Out of My Mind

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I couldn't fucking walk. And I don't mean that I was uncomfortable, or that I was in pain. I mean that I really couldn't walk. Each time I tried, my sore, raw ass rubbed against my jeans and caused unbearable pain that literally made my legs shake so much that I couldn't walk.

TO: Gee.
I can't fucking walk. Asshole.

FROM: Gee.
Neither can I, so we're equal.

TO: Gee.
No. I just fucked you too hard. You spanked me until I bled.

FROM: Gee.
You deserved it and you know it. Slut. <3

I smiled and rolled my eyes, groaning as I stood up. When he told me I wouldn't be able to walk today, I hadn't actually believed him.
I should have seen it coming, though. After he drove me home, I went to get a shower and caught the sight of my ass in the mirror. It was covered with red and purple bruises and I winced even at the sight of it. I should have known it'd hurt even more in the morning.

My Mom called up the stairs to tell me to hurry up or I'd be late. Wincing in pain, I dragged my bag onto my back and marched out the door, stopping to kiss my Mom on the cheek as I left.

"Frankie? Why not invite Cameron over to dinner tonight?" she asked brightly. I blushed.

"Sure, Mom." I mumbled. I knew I had to do it now as well, or else risk her probing questions about my (fake) relationship. I groaned as I shut the door, praying that Gerard hadn't wanted to see me today.

The walk to school was one of the most painful things I'd ever had to endure. I wasn't even sure if I was going to make it. I felt like my skin was literally on fire, and each step only made it worse. Eventually, though, I made it, and had to go through the intense trouble of smiling at my friends, as if there wasn't anything wrong with me. Cameron was sitting with them when I walked in, which made a wave of annoyance rise in me. Why was he so damn clingy? As I approached, his face lit up, and I felt that familiar flutter in my stomach - the one that was saved for Gerard's little smirks, or the way he smiles after a joke, or the way his lips feel against mine. Yet here I was, stomach-fluttering because of someone else.

"You look nice today." He said brightly, his mouth pulling into a wider smile. I smiled back.

"Thanks, Cam. You look great too." I said, using the nickname easily. He blushed and smiled, and my stomach fluttered again, much to my despair. Chris and Joe just sat there, beaming like complete idiots.

"Don't you two have anything better to do?" I said as the bell rang. They shrugged almost simultaneously.

"Not really. You two are too cute." Chris mocked, pushing me into Cameron who shyly slid his hand into mine. I held his hand and smiled, trying desperately to ignore the ocean of guilt that flooded my lungs.

"How about you stop trying to get me laid and focus on yourselves?" I snapped, though I smiled to show I wasn't really angry. Joe stretched nonchalantly and shrugged.

"I've got plans this weekend, bro."

"Yeah, hot date with your right hand." I bit back. Chris laughed and high-fived me, and Joe grasped his heart like he was hurt.

"Damn, Iero, you get a new slampiece and suddenly you're mean? I don't like it." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Cameron.

"We've got History now, right?" I asked. He nodded, and, giving Joe and Chris a quick goodbye wave, we walked together.

To get to the History building, you have to walk out of the main building and across the school campus. I did it all the time without worry, but this time, I felt on edge, and didn't know why.

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