Part One / Chapter Ten

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Marlee's POV
"Italian?" Ben suggests, scrolling through his phone. "There's this place close to here."

I nod. "Yeah, Italian sounds great." I give Ben a small smile. Honestly, I'm glad Noelle, Sky, and Josh left, even if it was accompanied by poor acting.

"Then it looks like we might be headed in the wrong direction." Ben laughs as he stops. "No need to worry, I happen to be very good at navigation."

I grin. "Sure. You've been taking us in the wrong direction. I trust you to keep us from getting lost."

Rolling his eyes, Ben turns us around. "Ha ha. You're funny, MJ." We begin walking in the correct direction, my arm still through his.

Within twenty minutes, we reach our destination. "Finally," I comment, smiling. "I'm surprised we made it."

"Shut up." Ben opens the door to the restaurant, letting me enter before him. We're given a table and menus, and we order our drinks. "So, really, how do you think the audition went?"

"How do you know me so well?" I ask with a small smile.

"Because I've spent time with you," Ben explains.

I shake my head, smiling. "I honestly think it went well. I feel like I was a bit pitchy at times, but I guess that was nerves. I hope I get the part."

"I don't know how many others are auditioning. Do you have any idea?"

I shake my head. The waiter returns with our drinks, and I thank him. We order our food, and the waiter takes our menus and leaves again.

"So, Benji," I say, making Ben smile when I use his nickname. I love his smile. "Tell me about where you're from."

"I was born in North Carolina, but I grew up in New York and Virginia. My family still lives in Virginia."

"I want to meet your family sometime," I state.

"They'd love you," Ben says with a soft laugh. "And I want to meet yours."

"They'd love you, too." I smile. "Oh, yeah, if you ever get the chance to meet my sister Adrienne, be warned. She's a theater kid through and through."

"So? So am I."

"She knows who you are. She loves you, and she loves Newsies. You've been warned."

"Which sister is this?" He asks. "The one who's fifteen?"

I nod. "Yeah. She commented about you on the picture I posted on Instagram yesterday. She's freaking out about me knowing you."

He laughs. "I'll have to meet her someday."

"She'd love that." I smile. With that, we fall into silence, both of us trying to figure out what to say next.

"So, if you get the part, you're going to love going on tour. Although it can be kind of crazy at times. Scratch that, it's crazy all the time. Consider yourself warned," Ben says.

"It's already crazy around you and your friends," I point out, laughing. "But I'm sure I'll have the time of my life."

More silence. Why can't I find something to talk about?

"Marlee, can I ask you something?" Ben speaks up, looking at me.

"Go for it." I rest my elbows on the table and place my chin in my hands.

"Is...I hope I don't sound crazy, is there something between us?" He asks, his cheeks reddening significantly. "B-because I feel like there is."

I feel myself blushing. "Um, I mean, yeah. I feel like there is, too. We've been on two dates."

He lets out a breath. "Okay, good." He pauses. "Wait, two dates?"

I let out a quiet laugh, blushing even more. "Is this considered a date?"

"It is now." The blonde boy smiles. "After this, do you want to go walk around? I think there's a small park down the street."

"Yeah, sure." I nod and can't help but smile back at him; this boy's smile is very infectious.

Within another fifteen minutes, the waiter brings out our food. After we finish and pay, Ben and I leave the restaurant and walk to the park around the corner. The "park" is just a good-sized patch of grass, three trees, and a few benches.

"We can go back, if you want," Ben says when he sees the small area.

I shake my head. "No, it's okay! I like it." I take his hand and pull him over to one of the benches. As we sit down, my phone rings. "Oh, sorry," I mumble, pulling out my phone. "Shoot, it's Adrienne. I forgot to tell her I can't FaceTime today. Do you mind if I take the call really fast?"

"Not at all." Ben shakes his head, and I accept the call.

Adrienne's smiling face appears. "Marlee!" She says excitedly. "Wait, where are you? You're not at home."

"No, I'm not." I shake my head. "I'm actually out with my-," I pause, glancing at Ben, "I went out to dinner."

"Oh! Who's there?"

Ben gives me a nod. "Okay," I start, "don't freak out, okay?" I turn the phone so Ben is in the frame.

He waves. "Hi Adrienne!"

Her jaw drops. "You're with Ben Tyler Cook! And he knows my name! Wow. Hi, Ben." I don't remember the last time I've seen my sister this excited. "I love your work."

"I've heard a lot about you," Ben says with a smile.

"I know a lot about you!" She says, her voice getting louder as her excitement grows. "Are you kidding me? I love Newsies."

"Adrienne-" I say, turning the phone back to myself.

"Wait," she interrupts me. "Are you on a date? With Ben Tyler Cook?" I smile slightly in response. "You are! Oh my gosh! Ben, you have to come visit! Wait, better yet, I should come to New York. Marlee, when can I come?"

I laugh, surprised by all of the questions. "Look, we can talk about this later, okay? I gotta go. Love you!" I press the end button before she can protest.

I love this chapter :)
Fun fact, the character of Adrienne is based on my younger sister. I think I captured her love for Ben Cook quite well.
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Ten Minutes Ago // Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now