Part One / Chapter Twelve

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Marlee's POV
After I leave Ben at the door, I dodge Noelle's questions and get ready for bed. The audition took a lot of energy, and all I want is to sleep. About twenty minutes later, I get my wish as I drift off to sleep.
~ * ~ * ~

My phone alarm buzzes incessantly, waking me up. I sigh as I sit up in bed. What time is it? I could sleep for another five hours, but I have to get up. As I pick up my phone to silence the alarm, I'm surprised to find that it's not my alarm, but a phone call from Mr. Knight. Oh no, I think. What did I do now? I accept the call and bring the phone to my ear.
Before I have a chance to say anything, my boss cuts me off. "Miss Granger," he says icily. "I have called you twice already. Where are you?" Again, he speaks before I can answer. "It seems you have decided to test my limits, Miss Granger. When I told you I would fire you if you were late again, you must have thought I wasn't serious. Well, Miss Granger, I was very serious. Don't bother coming in at all today, or any time for that matter. You're fired." Mr. Knight hangs up, leaving me standing in my bedroom, horrified.
Muttering curses under my breath, I risk a glance at the clock, afraid of what it reads. 9:32. How could I be so careless? I could have sworn I set my alarm last night.
I sit back down on my bed as my reality sinks in. I've just been fired from my job, from the job that was supposed to start my career in the photography business. I shouldn't have gone out with Ben, I knew how tired I was. I know my limits. Why can't I listen to myself for once?
That's when the tears come. How am I supposed to continue paying rent? Am I going to have to move back home? What about all the friends I'd made in New York? I don't know how long I sit there before I hear a knock on the apartment door. I'm not expecting anyone. I throw on a sweatshirt and make my way to the door, wiping my eyes. I open the door, surprised to see Josh standing outside.
"Hey, Marlee!" He says cheerily, but his smile falls when he sees my face. "What's wrong?"
I shake my head. "Nothing. I'm fine. What are you here for?"
"I left a salad bowl here from the other night, and I keep forgetting to ask you to get it. But you're obviously not fine, so I'm glad I'm here. Can I come in?" Josh asks.
I nod, stepping aside to let him in.
Once I close the door, Josh says, "You look like you need a hug." With that, he pulls me close and hugs me tightly. Tears begin to fall again, against my will. He just hugs me tighter, allowing me to cry into his chest, probably ruining his shirt. When I finally calm down, Josh pulls away, takes my hand gently, and leads me to the couch. "What happened?"
I sniff, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "Um," I begin, my voice unsteady. I clear my throat, trying to get a hold of myself. "My boss fired me this morning because I overslept."
His eyes widen slightly. "Mr. Knight?"
I nod. "How'd you know?"
Josh shakes his head. "It's not important. Why'd he let you go?" He asks, pausing to keep himself from saying the word 'fired.'
"I overslept. I was careless and I forgot to set an alarm. I guess I was just so tired after a full day of work, then an audition, then a date. I'd been stressing so much about the audition that my exhaustion caught up with me. I overslept, even though I knew I'd be fired if I did it again. And yet, I never set an alarm," I say, the words spilling out quickly. "I'm so stupid."
Josh doesn't say anything for a few moments. "I don't think you're stupid, Marlee," he says in a gentle and kind voice. "I think you were tired and you were a little bit careless, but not stupid. It could happen to anybody. The good news is that you had an audition, so you may not be out of a job for long, right?"
I shrug. "I had a chance to meet important people and make connections. I was going to use those to start my own business. And it's all gone now. I don't even know if I'll get the part."
"Until you hear back from Mr. Calhoun, you can find another job. Noelle works for her aunt. What if you took a job there until you figure something out?"
He has a point. "I'll talk to Noelle about it," I say quietly. "Thanks, Josh." I give him a small, forced smile.
He returns my smile. "As much as I would love to stay, I should get the salad bowl and drop it off by home before I have to be at the theater." He gives my hand one last squeeze before getting up.
"It should be on the counter." I get up and follow Josh into the kitchen.

When he finds the bowl, he grabs it. "I'll see you later, Marlee. Don't forget to talk to Noelle," he reminds me, giving me a hug and leaving.

Once he's gone, I go back to my room and get my phone, replying to a text from Adrienne.

Adri Granger

<< Mom says I can
come visit next week
since I have spring break.
I was going to ask you,
but I forgot. So I'm flying
out this Saturday. >>

<< Wow, Adri. Thanks for the
heads up, I guess. >>

<< You sound thrilled.
I'm so glad I have such a
loving sister who wants
me to come see her for
the first time in six months
and meet her boyfriend Ben
Tyler Cook and all her new
theater friends and show me
around the city. >>

<< That's a run on sentence. >>

<< You didn't deny the
boyfriend thing...I'll see
you in a few days. >>

Ten Minutes Ago // Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now