Part One / Chapter Seventeen

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My stomach explodes as countless butterflies fight against each other, trying to escape. I can't form a coherent thought as he gently breaks the kiss. All I can feel is the heat of the scarlet blush on my face, and all I can do is smile. The moment is interrupted by a voice over the building's speaker system announcing thirty minutes until the show starts.

"I should probably go and get ready," Ben says quietly, his face as red as mine with a bright smile.

I nod. "You probably should." He turns to go back to the dressing room, but I stop him after a few steps. "Ben? Break a leg." I smile and give him a quick kiss, earning cheers and whistles from the boys inside the dressing room. He smiles happily and disappears inside the room as I make my way out of the theater.

Ben's POV
I don't remember much about the show that afternoon. My head was reeling too quickly to do anything other than what I had rehearsed. I couldn't stop smiling while I was off-stage. It didn't help that the boys took any opportunity they had to tease me about it.
"So, Ben," Sky says after the show as we're taking off makeup and changing back into our clothes. "About what happened with Marlee earlier."
My face begins to turn pink. "Do we have to talk about this now?" I ask.
"Yes, we do. Because I have a question. Are you two, like, a thing? Officially?" He questions, looking over at me.
"Not officially, no."
"Why not?"
"I just haven't asked her. Yet," I add.
"Oh, so you plan to?"
"You should ask her soon."
"Sky, why are you asking all these questions?" I sigh and grab my backpack.
He shrugs. "I don't know, I just think you should ask her, or at least talk to her about it. Maybe soon, like tonight."
I sigh again. "Tonight? I don't even know what I'm going to say."
"Just tell her what you feel."
"Since when did you become so deep?" I ask, earning a glare from my friend. "Okay, sorry." I hold up my hands in a gesture of surrender. "You might be right, but I don't know if tonight is the best time to do it."
Sky lets out a groan. "Ben. Do it now, otherwise you'll talk yourself out of it."
"I don't-"
"He's right, you know," Josh speaks up as he pulls his shirt on. "You tend to overthink things, Benji. Don't deny it. So go now."
I look between Sky and Josh, confused as to when they got so profound.
"Well?" Josh asks impatiently as Sky crosses his arms. "What are you waiting for? Go!" He pushes me toward the door.
I give a small salute to my friends and hurry out the back door of the theater toward the subway station. I catch a train and wait until the stop closest to Marlee's apartment, my heart racing the whole way.
I hurry up the steps out onto the sidewalk, walking quickly to the building. I knock on the door to the apartment when I reach it. Noelle opens the door.
"Ben? What are you doing here?" She asks, Adrienne looking up from her spot on the couch when she hears my name.
"Hi," I say, catching my breath. "Can I talk to Marlee?"
"Uh, yeah." Noelle turns. "Marlee, Ben's here!"

Within a few moments, Marlee comes to the door. She steps outside, closing off her roommate and sister. "Hey," she says. "How'd the show go?"

I take a deep breath. "Marlee, what are we?" I ask her. She gives me a confused look. "I want to know if this is going to go somewhere. I...I don't want to spend part of myself on something that has no future. Is we have a future?"

"Do you want there to be a future?" Marlee questions quietly, watching me.

"Yes, I would very much like for there to be one." I just hope she has the same mindset as I do.

She nods slowly. "I would, too."

I feel the tension leave my body as I let out a breath I hadn't known I had been holding in. I offer her my hand. "In that case, Marlee Jane Granger, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" I give her a grin.

In response, she lets out a gentle laugh, taking my hand. "I would love to, Ben Tyler Cook."

I smile, feeling happier than I've felt in a long time, and pull her close to me. "Can I kiss you?"

The question earns a light giggle from her. "You don't have to ask, Benji. And you certainly didn't last time."

"I was too excited last time," I mumble before closing the distance between us and kissing Marlee. I wish I could stay in this moment forever, but she breaks it too soon.

"I should get back inside before they start suspecting things," Marlee says, a sheepish blush crossing her cheeks. "Goodnight, Benji."

"Goodnight, MJ." I kiss her one last time before she goes inside. I leave and head for home, feeling like I'm at the top of the world.

and that's the end of part one!!!
ah, happy endings. the next two parts, however, have a bit more...angst
anyway, thanks for reading!!!
vote and comment! :)

Ten Minutes Ago // Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now