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The first thing Suga felt when he woke up was confusion.

He was in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room.

Sun was shining through the window, reflecting off the layer of pearlescent snow on the ground. It was almost too bright, and Suga groaned when he looked out the window, not prepared for the blinding sight.

Looking around the room, Suga slowly remembered where he was. And holy shit he slept in a Gryffindor dorm room!

Suga quickly sat up. Looking around the room it didn't look like anybody was awake. He stood up quickly, taking note of his wrinkled clothes and how the floor seemed to sway a little bit.

First things first. How does a Slytherin get out of a Gryffindor dorm room without being caught?

Suga sat back down on the bed, lazily running one of his hands through his hair. The window wasn't an option, as they were clearly in a tower and Suga wasn't sure he would survive the drop.

The only plan that had a 100% chance of getting out of the room and into the hallway was walking through the common room. Pros: he would get out into the hallway. Cons: very high chance of him being seen. Suga just had to hope that Gryffindors were not morning people.

"Oh, are you already awake?" Bokuto's voice was loud and easily cut through the silence made by sleep.

"Umm, yeah." Suga tried to keep his voice down, but Bokuto was across the room.

"Did you sleep well?"

Well, so much for trying to keep quiet. Suga shifted his eyes when he heard Daichi's covers moving off his bed.

"Bo, we talked about the volume in the morning," Daichi's voice had traces of sleep running through it.

"Sorry," His voice was quieter, but since Bokuto's voice was loud normally, it was still too loud to be comfortable in the early morning. "Did you sleep well?" He repeated.

Suga went silent for a second thinking about the question. He actually slept pretty well, but he has a history of falling asleep in weird places, so it wasn't that much of a surprise. "yeah, I did"

"Good" Daichi moved over to Kuroo's bed. "Wake up dumbass!"

"You don't-" Suga starts but soon realizes its useless. Kuroo was now awake, bed head messier than ever. "Have to wake him up" Suga finishes but it comes out more as a whisper.

"Really?" Kuroo's voice was almost as loud as Bokuto's. The whole dorm must know they're awake now.

"What time is it anyway?" Bokuto cuts through the chatter of Daichi and Kuroo bickering.

"I honestly haven't checked. I was more concerned with leaving without anybody noticing me," Suga confessed. It would have probably been smart to check the time.

"If you leave wearing that, everybody's gonna notice you." Kuroo pointed out.

Suga took another look at his clothes. His robes were wrinkled and it would take more than a simple charm to smooth them out. He was missing one sock, and didn't even have shoes on. Suga could tell his hair was a mess without even looking in a mirror.

"Yeah, you're right," Suga sighed.

"You can borrow some of my clothes," Daichi offered. He was about the same height as Suga, but definitely had a bigger build.

"Thanks, but first I need a shower."

About a hour later, Suga found himself sitting in the Gryffindor common room, freshly showered and in clean clothes. A few students gave him some weird looks but Suga was able to ignore them. He didn't really care about being seen anymore, he was already in the common room, so there was no sense in trying to hide. Suga re-adjusted his glasses and turned back to the fire. It was surprisingly warm, for being such a small flame. He only looked up when he felt someone settle into the couch next to him.

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