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Suga guided his broom around the pitch, feeling the air flow through his robes and hair. He was supped to be looking for the golden snitch, but it was so easy to get distracted.

He paused by the edge of the pitch, out of the way of Bludgers, but close enough to watch Daichi play.

Even though Daichi had a pretty solid build, the way he floated around on his broom, made him look almost graceful. He never made any unnecessary movements, always at the right place at the right time.

He watched the quaffle move across the pitch, slowly making its way between Oikawa, Ennoshita and Daishou, the three chasers currently playing. They smoothly moved the quaffle towards Daichi's goal posts.

Daichi steadied himself, gripping his broom tighter in between his legs. Ennoshita readied himself for the shot, bringing his arm up to throw it.

Daichi moved fast, defending the highest hoop. He caught the quaffle and tossed it to bokuto, who gladly shot toward the other side of the pitch.

Suga swooped down to hover near the edges of the posts. "Nice save!"

Daichi glanced behind him, spotting Suga. "Oh thanks! Ennoshita's got a pretty mean arm though,"

"I know right?" Suga kept an eye on the air around him, but didn't see any sign of the snitch. It was a pretty sunny day, so it would be a lot harder to spot.

"Suga! Stop flirting with Daichi, and pay attention!" Oikawa called. "I'm gonna get Makki to hit the bludgers at you!"

"Well, I have to go. See you at the after party?" Suga turned to fly away, but didn't move just yet.

"After party?" Daichi echoed.

"For when we win,"

"We'll see about that," Daichi turned back to the plays in front of him, leaving Suga to do his job.

Suga didn't really have a strategy for finding the snitch. He mostly just hung around the edges of the pitch, waiting for the golden flash of light that meant it was near.

Suga wasn't aware of where he was flying until he heard Terushima's voice coming from somewhere on his left. "Are you asking for a death wish?"

"I'm not asking but if you're offering-"

Terushima ignored his comment. "Oikawa already hates that you're distracted, now you're talking to Daichi during the game?" He shook his head.

"Do you have a grudge against Daichi because you're both keepers?" Suga circled the hoops, keeping himself busy while talking. "And it's called strategy, if I'm talking to Daichi, he's paying less attention to the game in front of him,"

"But isn't that also distracting you?"

"Yeah but I'm not that worried," Suga glanced over at the other seeker, who was being chased by a rogue bludger. "Don't get me wrong, I love Hinata, but you can't fake experience."

"Whatever, just don't get Oikawa worked up, he doesn't play at his best, and if our captain is messing up, we won't be much better off." Terushima waved him off, and Suga took this as his cue to end the conversation.

Suga was tempted to talk to Daichi again, by god he was tempted. But he also didn't want his reckless flirting to cost them the game. Suga glanced at the scoreboard, hearing the cheers coming from the stands. 60-70. They were behind, but if Suga could just find the snitch, the game would be over, and they would be walking off the pitch as winners.

Suga circled the pitch, scanning the air for any sign of the tiny golden ball. He ducked quite a few bludgers, and reminded himself to talk to Makki and Mattsun about keeping them away from him.

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