Chapter 25: A Dream Or A Memory

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A loud repetitive knock sounded at the front door, waking Amelie with a start. Sitting up in her bed she pulled the covers close to her body. She was awake instantly. Not them! It couldn't be them! Maybe it was one of the neighbors? Maybe it was only a coincidence that someone was here at midnight, on the same night of The Donating? But in her heart she knew this to be a foolish hope.

She heard the sound of her grandfather's footsteps make their way down the hall. There was a moment of silence as if he was hesitant to open the door. Another knock sounded. "We know you're home Mr. Landry. It is mandatory that you open the door." A gruff sounding male voice called through the door. There was another pause and then Amelie heard the creak of the front door as it opened and then her grandfather voice, "What can I do for you gentlemen?" 

"As in agreement with, the accords of humans and vampires, a member of your household has been randomly selected for donation." Amelie sucked in her breath in surprise. Her grandfather had already given a donation within the last five years. A person was not required to give a blood donation more than once every ten years. And they had to be eighteen years of age or older. 

Amelie felt the sting of salty tears slide down her cheeks. She had turned eighteen two months ago. She began to tremble in fear. Even though most came back from The Donating unharmed and without memory of what happened, there were on occasion, those who did not return. No one ever knew what became of them, and their families were too afraid to question the mayor or his officials. Mostly because everyone knew who was really calling the shots. The Donating had become humans only way of appeasing vampire kind. Those that dared speak out against the accords often went missing or found dead.

"It hasn't been ten years since my last donation." Her grandfather replied. "We are aware of that fact, Mr. Landry. It is not you who has been selected." The official informed her grandfather. Amelie didn't hear what they said next.  She didn't need to. After all, it was only her and her grandfather now.

She climbed out of bed onto wobbly legs. Part of her wanted to run and hide, but she knew in her heart it would only delay the inevitable. She had no where to go. Quickly pulling herself together, Amelie dressed. if she was going to be taken for The Donating, she wasn't about to go in her pajamas.

A few moments later her grandfather knocked on her door and then entered. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Her grandfather didn't speak for a moment. She could see he was having an internal battle. "I'm so sorry, my dear. I begged them to take me instead; they wouldn't budge."

Amelie nodded.  She stood and walked over to her grandfather, who looked defeated. "Everything is going to be alright." She said, and then gave him a hug. Mostly so he wouldn't see how afraid she really was. Unfortunately, she couldn't control her shaking entirely. Her grandfather pulled back from her hug, a frantic look on his face. "Maybe if you sneak out the back, you could get away...." he trailed off, while
Amelie shook her head. "You know that would never work. They'd find me and they would arrest you . Who knows what would happen to you after that. Maybe it's better for this to happen now. I can get this over with and not have to live in fear for the next ten years. By morning I'll be back and it will all be like a bad dream. You'll see." She tried to reassure her aging grandfather. She could feel tears gather in her eyes and she tried to blink them away. She noticed her grandfather's eyes were also shining with tears. 

"We must go. If we delay any longer, they're going to grow impatient and force their way in." Amelie said, trying to summon even a shred of courage, If only for her grandfathers sake.

Amelie made her way to the front door. When she saw three officials standing in the entry way, she stopped. They wore dark uniforms with sabers at their waists. Their faces were emotionless and unfeeling. Amelie wondered if they hated their job, being the ones to drag people from their homes in the middle of the night. Maybe they reached a point were they were numb to it. Amelie resisted the urge to give her grandfather another hug. She knew she wouldn't be able to walk through the door and leave to an unknown fate if she looked at him.

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