Chapter 28: The Secret Entrance

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"Where's Pixie? We're supposed to be leaving right now." Zephora questioned Hudson. Ever since the River Pack had made an unexpected visit, everything was in chaos. They had an hour to vacate the area, or they would have one of the strongest packs in the region to deal with. After making a quick plan, one that Zephora was still pretty unclear about, all of them rushed to gather everything they needed.

Leo walked up behind her and Hudson. "This constant packing up and rushing out the door, is becoming rather inconvenient." He grumbled.

Zephora and Hudson turned at the sound of Leo's voice. Zephora sighed and adjusted her back pack on her shoulder and then gave a friendly pat to Leo's arm. "One day, when this craziness is all behind us, we'll all take a nice long vacation."

"I'm going to pull the truck around. We can get loaded in while we're waiting for Pixie." Hudson stated and walked out the door. 

Zephora frowned. Hudson had not been himself since his confrontation with Alpha Linus. She had been surprised to learn that the leader of the River Pack was Hudson's father. Hudson never spoke of what happened between the two of them. Having her own painful past, she never pushed him for details. But to be forbidden from ever returning must be extremely painful.

"I'm going to wait outside, how about you?" Zephora turned to Leo. Leo glanced in the direction of Amelie's room where she had not emerged from yet. "In a minute." Leo replied, with a shrug. Zephora had to force herself not to smile. Instead, she simply nodded and went outside with a knowing glint in her eye.

The cool night air brushed over Zephora and she took a deep breath. She wanted to enjoy a few minutes of calm, she knew she wouldn't have that luxury much longer. Unfortunately, her reverie didn't last long. Zephora felt the weight of someone's stare. Turning she saw Collin leaning against a post on the covered porch. Even though Collin was to go with them, he had stayed a good distance from everyone. She guessed most of his distancing had something to do with Amelie. She wondered how Collin felt about being assigned to accompany them.

Hating uncomfortable silences Zephora asked. "'d you end up drawing the short stick?"

He raised an eyebrow in question. "Short stick?"

"You know...why where you chosen to go with us on this, most likely, wild goose chase." Zephora clarified.

Zephora was surprised at his answer. "I wasn't chosen. I volunteered." He stood back from the post he was leaning on, and took a few steps in her direction. He was quite tall with a muscular build. That was hardly surprising. Male moon howlers tended to have that in common. His dark hair was longer on top with a slight wave to it. 

Zephora crossed her arms over her chest and stood straight. She didn't want to give the appearance that she felt intimidated. "Really?" A thousand questions ran through her mind but she simply asked. "Why?"

"Hudson and I grew up together. We were best friends our entire lives..." Collin hesitated before continuing. "Besides, if what Hudson said about what vampires are up to is true, they have to be stopped at any cost." Collin looked as if he were about to say more, when Hudson drove up with his truck, the engine rumbling. Hudson rolled down his window.

"What's everyone waiting for? Get in!" Hudson growled.

Just then Pixie appeared from around the back of the inn. She had said she wanted to take one more look around Robert's lair, to see if there was anything else that would be helpful. She didn't waste any time but climbed in the passenger seat of Hudson's truck.

There was a tense moment when Amelie and Leo walked out the door onto the porch.  Collin looked like he wanted to tear her throat out. Luckily, he didn't cause any trouble. He did, however, walk several yards away.  Leo took up his usual position in the bed of the truck. Zephora and Amelie looked at each other before climbing in the back seat. Zephora wondered how this was going to work with Collin and Amelie in close quarters, but Collin answered her question before she could ask.

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