Chapter 30: In Disguise

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"So, where do we go from here?" Zephora asked when they came to a fork in the path.

"I'm fairly confident that if we go left the path will lead us right into the heart of the Outers Market. If we go the other direction it should take us an indirect way that leads down to the old trading docks." Pixie informed everyone.

"Trading I'm assuming that would be the best way to the river?' Hudson said stating the obvious.

Pixie nodded her head in confirmation. "Yes. Here in the journal it's says Richard boarded a boat and paid for passage along the Obsidian River, an underground river trade route. Back in his time, the docks there were the main hub for trade for super nats."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Collin said impatiently.

They all started down the path towards the docks. When Amelie didn't follow, Zephora turned to see what she was waiting for. Amelie was looking in the direction of the Outers Market. Zephora knew from the look in her eyes that she had made a decision. Leo must have realized it too, he reached out and lightly touched her elbow. "Come Amelie, we need to hurry." He said urging her to follow.

She looked at him and then at everyone else. "You know I can't. As long as I am with you, I'm putting this mission in jeopardy and putting all of you in danger. It's too important to jeapordize because of me. You know I'm right." She insisted. "It will be ok. I'll find somewhere to hide and lie low."

"No! You can't just leave..." Leo started to say and Amelie put her hands on his shoulders. 

"It's the only choice we have." Amelie pleaded with him.

Zephora felt a sinking feeling. Amelie was right. Their chances of finding the dragon crystals were already minimal and would be non-existent if they were being hunted by vampires and if they were to catch wind of what they were doing, well Zephora shuttered to think what would happen then.

Before she could think better of it she said, "Amelie's right. Severo won't stop hunting her. But if we split up we can draw off Severo and Victoria.  If I go with Amelie we can give you a chance."

"Zephora think about this for a moment. You are a human, you can't trust any vampire." Collin insisted. He had a desperate look on his face.

"I can trust Amelie and I can hold my own, thank you very much." Zephora insisted.

"I don't like it, but I don't see any other way." Pixie agreed reluctantly.

"Then I'll go with you too!" Leo said frantically.

Zephora watched curiously, as Amelie pulled Leo aside and spoke to him so quietly that she could hardly here what Amelie was saying. Leo was frowning and shaking his head. Whatever she was saying she must have finally convinced him, because he reluctantly nodded his head.

"Pixie and Hudson need you. Once you find the dragon crystals, then you come and find me." Zephora heard Amelie say at the last.

"It's decided then." Pixie said in affirmation. "Zephora and Amelie will lead Severo away, and the rest of us will continue on to find the dragon crystals."

"There's no more time to waste and we can't stand around discussing what's to be done any longer." Amelie asserted. "Zephora are you sure about this?"

Zephora didn't have to take time to think. "I'm sure." She said resolutely.

Pixie rushed over before Zephora and Amelie could leave. "You two are not going off without any help." She handed each of them a potion. "Drink this and it will disguise you by changing your hair and eye color temporarily. The effects should last about three hours." Then she gave each of them a hug.

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