Chapter 33: Dancing With The Enemy

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Zephora felt the penetrating gaze of Micklaus settle on her, making her suddenly grateful to play a human pet. Being able to keep her eyes averted, gave her the appearance of being meek and submissive. The reality was she could hardly breath as powerful emotions were surging through her simultaneously. The feelings ranged from rage to utter disbelief. If it were not for Rafi's arm securely wrapped around her waist, she was sure she would have not been able to stand. Then another crushing thought came to her. Micklaus was a vampire lord and Rafi served him.

"Rafael, I see you've acquired a little pet. I have to admit I am surprised. You have never been one to indulge in such things before." Micklaus remarked.

"I suppose there is a first time for everything." Rafi responded lightly not aware of the inner turmoil that Zephora was going through.

"Of course. I don't mean to be rude. It is only that I was under the impression you were going to be attending the gala with someone else." Though Micklaus' words seemed friendly, there was a hint of steel behind his comment that even Zephora caught in her distraught state.

Rafi didn't respond to Micklaus' comment, but turned to Jale and Amelie who were standing just  behind them. "I have brought friends as well. You remember Jale of course and...this is Amelie."

Zephora was extremely grateful for the attention to be drawn away from herself. As Micklaus greeted Jale and Amelie to his home, Zephora found the courage to look at Micklaus. Her memories of him were from the mind of a young child. In her mind she had painted him hideous and repulsive because of her great fear and hatred of what he had done to her parents. Here, now, she observed someone charming and charismatic. He was fashionably dressed with not a stich of clothing out of place. His tuxedo was immaculate. His frame was thin but not weak. He had prominent cheek bones that stood out under his pale skin. His blonde hair was oiled and slicked back without a strand out of place. Some might have found him handsome, but it was his eyes that Zephora recognized under his charming façade. His red glowing eyes were cold and calculating. Most vampires that she had known covered the red of their eyes and only when they felt powerful surges of aggression or passion did it become hard to mask. He did not seem to care.

"Amelie! It is my sincerest pleasure to have you here tonight. Now is not a good time to speak, as you can see there is a grand party to enjoy, but I am relieved to see that you are safe. Please, enjoy yourselves while I finish greeting my other distinguished guests. We have much to discuss. Do not wander off too far." He said with a light chuckle at the end. At that, everyone knew they were dismissed. Zephora was never more grateful to be out of someone's presence, and did not hesitate following Rafi through the crowd. Now that the initial shock of meeting Micklaus had passed, her thoughts were swirling in another direction.

"Are you alright?" Rafi whispered in her ear as they passed through a hallway.

Zephora didn't know what to say. She knew she was certainly not alright, but she could hardly admit to Rafi who Micklaus was, especially when he was Rafi's employer or whatever he was. "Um...I think I'm just a little overwhelmed with everything. I just need a minute and I'll be good." She stammered.

"Zoe, why don't you and I find the powder room?" Amelie suggested.

"What's a powder room?" Zephora asked. Jale chuckled behind her and she turned and gave him a dirty look. She was not in the mood to deal with amusement at her expense.

Amelie sighed and smacked Jale's arm in irritation. "Ignore him Zoe. A powder room is just a place woman go to freshen up a little and take care of other necessities."

"So, it's a bathroom." Zephora said flatly.

"Something like that." Amelie said.

"I don't like the idea of Zephora being alone. There are too many dangers." Rafi said tensely.

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