Chapter 17: A Matter of Trust

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Zephora grumbled to herself, as she pulled on the dark blue dress Jale loaned her. She was still furious about the whole situation. Who did Rafi think he was? Why did he put her in this situation. To have to play the helpless little human pet rubbed her wrong in every way. She had learned long ago to give as good as she got. It was degrading to the say the least. The only reason she finally agreed, was because this would give her an opportunity to learn more about Amelie. She hoped.

Rafi had explained who Draedyn was and his connection to Amelie, at least what the claim was. Even Rafi seemed slightly skeptical. Apparently, this Draedyn had adopted Amelie into his coven and given her protection. So how had she ended up in the hands of a killing vamp? Rafi said he didn't have any information beyond that. Hence the meeting that was supposed to be taking place that evening. She supposed she could suck it and bury her pride for one night .

After a little struggle, Zephora finally managed the zipper on the back of the dress and the pulled on the heels that went with it. Standing in front of a full length mirror in a guest bedroom Jale had allowed her to use, she frowned at her appearance. She couldn't remember the last time she had worn something so nice. Possibly before her parents death, it was hard to say. The brief times she spent with different foster families, were not full of happy memories. She was lucky to even get clothes that weren't thread bare let alone second hand. Her life since her childhood had left little opportunity for any kind of luxury or comfort. The truth was, that until she had found Leo, Pixie, and Hudson, she hadn't really belonged anywhere.

She mentally scolded herself for thinking about her past. She had left that behind a long time ago. She would not lose her focus by dwelling on things that could not be changed.

Stepping into the hall she was greeted by Jale's butler, Thomas. He was a neck biter as well, he looked old enough to be well into his seventies. Vampires didn't age in appearance beyond the age at which they had been turned. Even though she knew it was none of her business, she couldn't help but wonder what his story was.

"Master Jale is in the front parlor. I will show you the way if you'll just follow me." The elderly butler directed her.

Zephora followed Thomas down the hall. The instructions from Rafi and Jale on how she should behave, flowed through her mind. Don't speak unless asked a question directly...Do not look Draedyn or any other vampire in the eye... Stay close to Rafi or Jale... If brought into the conversation keep your answers simple and vague as possible... They do not see you as an equal, so do not show offence or lose your temper, if spoken to in a way that seems demeaning...

Zephora had become indignant at the last instruction. Jale had tried to make her feel better by explaining that not all vampires behaved as badly as Rafi was making things out to be. He was only planning for any possible scenario that might arise. That was little comfort to Zephora, but what could she do? She'd already come this far, she couldn't back out now. She just had to get through the meeting. 

Zephora had wondered if Draedyn would have a problem with speaking to Rafi with her there. Especially when the situation was so serious. Jale and Rafi reassured her that her presence wouldn't be a problem. Vampires didn't see humans as a threat and when it came to human pets, they didn't fear them overhearing secret information. Knowing they would answer to their master if they betrayed them in anyway, was enough to keep humans silent. Zephora didn't want to ask what happened to those that did.

She had entered the front parlor where Rafi and Jale were. She could tell they were both surprised at her appearance. The silence that had followed briefly upon her entry left her feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She didn't like the feeling and found herself glaring at Rafi. Blaming him for what was happening may have been childish, but she didn't care at that moment. When Jale had broken the awkward silence with his over the top flattery, she felt herself relax a little.

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