Chapter 34: Investigating

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"Which way did he go?" Zephora mouthed.

"To the right." Amelie whispered back.

"Should we follow?" Zephora asked, already knowing they would.

She looked at Zephora and sighed. "I think we don't have a choice, but if we do we need to try and be as inconspicuous as possible."

Zephora looked down at what she was wearing and raised an eyebrow. "I said, as possible." Amelie pointed out.

"Well we can't go clomping around in stilettos. Here, lets hide our shoes behind here." Zephora suggested, pointing to a large potted plant.

They were currently following Victor down a dark and empty hallway. It was clear they had found themselves in a private part of Micklaus' mansion that was not meant for guests. If they were caught lurking around hallways, it would look really suspicious. Zephora only hoped they could do a little investigating and get back to Jale before Rafi found out.

"I still can't believe we managed to slip away from Jale." Amelie commented.

"It's really Rafi's fault we had to take matters into our own hands. That vampire is so blasted secretive. He knows something about the connection between Victor and Severo and he's keeping it to himself." Zephora whispered, trying to keep her voice low.

Amelie nodded in agreement. "I'm sure that's why he suddenly left us alone with Jale. He's off doing his own investigating."

"Well the jokes on him, thinking Jale was capable of keeping an eye on us without him becoming distracted." Zephora snorted.

Amelie tried to hide her smirk. "It really was pathetic the way Jale was flirting with that brunette."

Zephora and Amelie looked around and made sure the coast was clear, and continued down the darkened corridor. Keeping to the shadows and staying out of sight much as possible, they continued to track Victor's movements. They followed him to a room where he went in and closed the door behind him. "In there." Amelie mouthed, pointing to the room next to the one Victor had entered. Zephora didn't question her and they slipped into the room. Amelie walked to the wall that separated the two rooms before Zephora realized what her plan was.

Hushed voices could be heard through the wall, and thanks to Zephora's keen hearing the conversation could be heard in the next room. One voice was male which Zephora assumed was Victor's. The other was female and somehow familiar. Where had she heard that voice before? She searched her memories trying to remember.

"You should not be here right now." The woman hissed. "You should have stuck to the plan."

"If you had tied up loose ends the way you were supposed to, then I wouldn't be here right now. If it weren't for your meddlesome sister and her freak friends, everything would have gone exactly as he wanted it." Victor said angrily.

"It's not that simple. I may have the power to banish my sister from the coven, but killing her out right is nearly impossible. You also had a chance to take care of it, but you and Severo failed. Thanks to your screw up, Micklaus had to bring in Rafael to deal with the situation. " The woman argued.

"Do not speak his name to me. I can do everything that Rafael can and more. Why Micklaus keeps him around is an insult. He'll never get his hands dirty like I have." Victor said, venom lacing his words.

Zephora looked at Amelie in horror. Everything was clicking into place. The woman was Madam Nadia, that's why her voice was familiar. By the look on her face, Amelie must have been having similar thoughts.

Madam Nadia laughed, "He was the one that convinced Amelie to come here of her own accord, instead of dragging her kicking and screaming. He also brought an extra prize. The girl will know exactly what Imogene is planning."

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