[ 91 ] All We've Got

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CO N TI N UA T IO N    OF     BO O K 11

Chapter 91
All We've Got




Hint: once again, search for bolded letters.





"At that time, why did that demon... not regenerate his hands immediately? Nigel shot through his left hand. It was a pretty deep wound. But he left it alone until right after he destroyed the house.
I always assumed that regeneration happened automatically and naturally but... maybe it's actually done by choice. If that's the case..."
Emma trailed off.

"Maybe there's a disadvantage to the regeneration."
Ray said.

"What do you mean?"
Nigel asked, looking intrigued.

"For example, maybe there's a limit to how many times you can regenerate. Or maybe it uses a lot of energy,"
Ray said.

"Humans have something like that too. A cell population will divide a certain number of times until cell division stops. We heal quickly when we're young but slower as we age,:
Ray finished.

"So what you did was right. The method was the correct one,"
Emma told Yuugo.

I nodded, it definitely was.

"We'll fire away. We don't know when his sight will return. But while the flash bomb's working... we'll shoot him. Aim of his eyes but even if you miss..."

Flashback End------------

{ "Try to give him as many wounds as you can. Before Leuvis completely regains all his senses!" }

Emma and I aimed at Leuvis before shooting.
He stumbled back.

Ray then shot,

"Emma, Y/n! Run!"
He told us, and we did.

Ray soon caught up to us, but Leuvis was on his tail. Ray threw back a table, which broke apart at Leuvis.
And so, Nigel, Emma, Ray, and I fought against Leuvis.

Leuvis soon was able to get outside.
Only to be met with Yuugo.

We continued to shoot at him.

We can still go at him, of course
Get as many bullets as we can in him.

As I got outside, my eyes widened at who I saw.


Hidden message is??

The last one was "I love you Ray"


Guys... I'm so proud of us.

 I'm so proud of us

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I'm so proud


Word Count: 353

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