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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑

NIALLER ROLLED OVER in her queen sized bed covered in a silk cover.

"oh piss off" she told her alarm slamming her hand on it.

she hadn't been sleeping properly the past few nights, no, not from constant fear of ryanne showing up or the emotional pain that had been caused from friday's events.

in fact it was harry.

she wouldn't say she had feelings for him, god no, it was that feeling that you get once you make a good friend.

well that's her view on it.

nialler watched herself in her mirror as she brushed her teeth.

the cut on her temple had slightly healed now. she had still hidden it from her father though.

if he knew, who knows what the man would have done.

"nialler can I borrow your blazer?" a voice came from the other side of nialls on suit.

"one second" niall yelled. moving her makeup around trying find her concealer.

she let out a breath unscrewing the lid covering her cut, her sister could not see that.

the two were never close.

they were those siblings that would tell on each other and steal each others stuff without asking.

they were complete opposites.

nialler was an art girl, one that would paint a lot and smother their face in makeup. she cared a lot about the way she appeared to people.

where nik was a sport girl, one who would always do man jobs and play sport. not giving a shit about her looks.

the older blonde opened the door walking over to her dressing room.

"sorry I was having a wee" she apologised passing her blazer to the fifteen year old.

nik slipped the large coat on her 5,2 frame. it was quite big on her as nialler was tall for her age being 5,11.

nik just stood in the middle of her room admiring its beauty. it was much bigger than her own.

it's high ceilings were painted with clouds and angels. her furniture was white and gold matching her aesthetic.

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