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it's feels like years since i finished this book and a lot has changed since i have

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it's feels like years since i finished this book and a lot has changed since i have. first I'd like to thank everyone for 1k!! never thought this book would get as far as it has so thank you.

second is that since i finished this book ive wrote other fanfictions, made in the am, my liam payne book and little black dress, one again a harry styles book. but i also have many drafts such as lucozade, louis tomlinson. golden, zayn malik. stockholm syndrome, niall horan, and many more so keep a on eye out for them in the near future.

third is this book was nominated within the 2020 one direction fanfiction awards exept the creator of that has became inactive just days before the award winner was due to be announced so we still have no idea what is going on with that but I'd just like to thank whoever nominated me it honestly means means the world to me it's a shame that places never got announced.

other all i miss this book and thank you for all the love and support while i wrote it and i hope you have lovely day/night.



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ps. new cover.

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