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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

AS HARRY CLOSED his bedroom door he smiled at the sight before him.

nialler stood looking at the polaroids stuck on his wall. she smiled at the way louis drunkenly looked at harry, it really seemed like lou loved him.

"hey" harry said closing the door behind him with his foot. locking it.

nialler turned to him smiling, "hey".

"sorry about my mum sh-" he started exept niall cut him off.

"no har dont apologise, your mother seems lovely" she told him as he stood closer to her.

he smiled looking the the polaroids also quickly throwing his arm around nialls shoulder, his hand covering her eyes. he used the other hand to pull a photo of him and liam skinny dipping in the river.

"and this is for" she asked him trying to ignore the taste of soap from his pinky touching her lips.

"for the safety of my dick" he told her as she pulled his arm from around her.

she snatched the polaroid from his hand then laughed at what she saw.

they two boys had their middle fingers up to the camera, liams arm slung drunkly around Harry's shoulder, both butt naked.

"I remember lou showing me this once, you guys are big" nialler said sticking it back on the wall.

harry just stared at her confused, she noticed this and then realized she said it out loud, "shit sorry".

harry just laughed at her telling her it's fine.

then they went back to staring at the polaroids as harry stuck it back in its place.

out of the corner of his eye harry looked at the beautiful girl.

he noticed she was wearing some mascara and concealer unlike friday night. yet she still managed to look flawless.

"what did your mum need, if you dont mind me asking?" nialler asked taking her attention off his wall.

"I dont mind love," he told her taking her hand his own sitting her on his bed, "can I be honest with you nialler?"

nialler looked into his green eyes nodding, "of course you can harry"

"well I've never actually spoke with a girl before" he told her holding her hands within his own, rubbing his thumbs across them, "all my life I've ignored anyone who I might stupidly fall for and I cant dedicate myself to anything without messing up nevermind to a person. but when I met you I felt like I could be different, I could open up and-" .

"just shut up and kiss me already" the girl whispered cutting him off. after realizing what she said she sat with her mouth agape, the words she spoke running through her mind.

harry sat in shock his body freezing in place at her words.

"what?" he asked finally able to get his words out after the silence that flooded the room.

"I should go" nialler spoke taking her hands from the green eyed boys walking towards the door.

harry stood up stopping the girl bringing his hand to her face, moving her hair over her shoulder.

as he rested his hand there they locked eyes, her piercing blue and his emerald green.

two colours that went so well together, like themselves.

the blue replicating harry's trust in her, her loyalty. a colour of heavenly sights like herself.

yet the green replicated the safety nialler felt with harry, the warmth.

together creating a beautiful bond, a unbreakable yet unique bond.

harry moved his hand from her shoulder to her waist. the other coming up to cup her cheek.

niall move her own hands to rest on his chest delicately resting her fingertips on the soft fabric of his shirt.

together they brought there faces close. breathes merging.

nialler scanned harry's face for any discomfort, not finding any their lips locked.

no sparks. no fireworks. not anything like they expresses in the movies.
nothing except the feeling that it was right.

pulling away the scanned eachothers faces for any source of regret, none.

harry pulled her in again for a second kiss, this one being more powerful and passionate.

it lasted about 30 seconds before niall pulled away again lifting her hands from harry's chest.

harry missed her touch as soon as the left him.

nialler slipped away from his embrace before announcing she had to leave. harry was at a loss of words unable to stop her.

he had just had his first kiss.

with a girl he loved yet felt like he had done something wrong. why was she now leaving him? she probably had a boyfriend, he had really fucked up.

niall didnt want to leave though but she know it was the right thing to do. she didnt want to stupidly break his beautiful heart, no matter how much she liked him she would somehow find a way for him to hate her.

as nialler walked into the hallway harry muttered to himself wishing to have her in his arms once again, "just let me adore you".

anne heard harrys door unlock noticing nialler now getting ready to go.

"are you leaving already honey" she asked the younger girl who replied with a nod, "you'll come back again though wont you?".

"of course I will anne" she replied as anne spoke her goodbyes.

when niall was out of the home harry came from his room to his cross mother.

"what did you do, why is she gone?" she folded her arms, hoping her son didnt scare the poor girl.

"I kissed her"

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘺𝘦, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

they finally kissed!! but poor harry :(
who is your favourite character so far?

word count 959

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