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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

AFTER A LOT of arguing and laughing the two teens had made it to a well known street of bungalows.

"we should turn around" harry told the girl letting go of her hand stopping in place.

nialler stopped a few steps infrount of him turning to look at him, confused on why the long haired boy had a change of tone from the way he spoke before when they were speaking about places they want to travel.

"why" she asked him slightly upset about the fact her hand was not in his own anymore.

"it's just not a naighbourhood I want you to be in" he grabbed her hand again beginning to lead her out of the street exept she stayed put.

"ni" he breathed.

"you live here dont you" she asked him, he just looked down at the cracked concrete "take me there".

once again harry met her alluring eyes.

he just lead her towards the house with a red door without saying a word. knowing in her mind she was judging it, it was probably nothing like her home that seemed like a castle compared to harry's.

"this is absolutely ravishing hazza" she told him admiring its beauty.

it was the type of place niall wanted to live when she can hardly walk and her hair is falling out.

the type of house she wanted to grow old in, start a family in.

at the moment she could only see herself doing that with one person.

"would you mind taking me inside?" nialler asked him.

harry was shocked by her words, his house was hardly anything special yet he felt like he couldnt let her down.

he used his unoccupied hand to grab a set of keys out of his trouser pocket before leading niall up the short driveway.

the two walked up the driveway the same place due to the lack of a height difference. harry was only about one or two inches taller than her, he assumed.

when they reached the door they had to once again had to let go of each others hands.

niall took the opportunity to admire how the boys hair had made a curtain around his face.

she had to physically stop herself from reaching her hand to run her hands through the brunettes curls.

harry held the door open for the girl gesturing for her to take her shoes off. he held out his hand so she could do so.

"thank you" she said after taking her shoes off.

"it's not a problem, I'm pretty sure my mum doesnt leave her shift until a-" harr began but shot his head towards the end of the hallway.

a short brunette woman had emerged from the kitchen at the sound of voices.

"harry, sweety bear, are you-" anne spoke coming to a stop at the sight of a girl.

she had never seen harry talk to a girl before, never mind bringing one home.

anne observed the girl that was now stepping foot in her house. she was stunning yes but how had her baby found a girl that he liked, he had never liked any girl before. this certain girl reminded her a lot of a boy she once liked when she was only in year ten.

how she managed to work her way into he boys life she would never know.

"harry, whose this?" she asked her son.

harry stiffened at his mothers gaze on nialler.

niall looked at harry's mother, she was right. his mother was beautiful.

"hello ma'am I'm nialler youth, I'm a friend of harry's" niall told the woman who observed her, it was her, his daughter.

niall was used to being stared at yet anne's gaze felt different.

she couldnt explained how though.

"its lovely to meet you nialler, please just call me anne" niall nodded at the woman words, "harry can I speak to you a second".

harry came to the realisation that he shouldn't have brought niall home to mother in a skirt that short, or just in general.

"I'll be a second" he told niall before telling her to go to his room.

niall did so then harry stared at his mother.

anne watched her son moving from foot to foot nervously.

"you brought a girl home" she told him, to harry's surprise she didnt seem angry.

"I'm sorry mum I just, um, I thought-" he started rambling but anne just laughed at him.

"oh sweety stop, I'm not mad" anne told him softly gesturing him to follow him. as they both stood opposite sides of the kitchens island.

"I'm actually really proud of you" she told him, it was true.

"you are?" harry asked slightly surprised, "well, that's great because I really like her. and you know that I've never like a girl before so something just feels right"

he really was interested in her.

"go shoot your shot honey" anne told him pulling him into a hug.

"use protection" she whispered in his ear.


I've now given up on adding songs on the end of this but we do love supportive mothers.

word count 872

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