Some info before the story starts

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First off- A CUTE PIC OF LEVI AND EREN. For the Ereri shippers. Does it aggravate anyone else that Levi's eyes are the wrong color? I mean their supposed to be grey-blue not yellow. Ok I'm good now.

For those people that may not know what these stand for I'm going to include them here😁
I know when I first started reading fanfic I didn't know what any of these stood for.

(Y/N)- Your name
(L/N)- Last name
(N/N)- Nickname
(H/L)- Hair length
(H/C)- Hair color
(H/S)- Hair style
(E/C)- Eye color
(S/C)- Skin color
(F/C)- Favorite color
(A/N)- Authors note

And then for some info about (Y/N) that can't be changed due to the story.
(Y/N) will be Levi's height
(Y/N) will be 27 years old (can't stand when reader-chan is like a 15 years old and in love with a 30 year old man, sorry if your actually 15 in real life)
Other than those 2 things everything else is up to you👍

And another important note
Will probably be some depression and self harm included I will warn you when those parts arrive in case it may trigger anyone. And most definitely there will be cussing.

Also this is my first fanfic so please be nice with the comments and I'm typing this on an iPhone so if I get lazy the spelling and grammar might go down hill.

And I'm a perfectionist so I will probably publish a chapter and then edit it like 5 times in one day bc I'm so OCD so sorry ahead of time for each time I edit a chapter.

And I'm open to any ideas that could help me along. I'm not very imaginative, I'm just doing this out of boredom during quarantine time. And it could be very likely that I quit this story once quarantine is over, just a forewarning unless I'm extremely motivated after quarantine but who knows when that will be lol. Now onto the story. Thanks for reading this useless page if you did. Hope you enjoy my horrible story lol.

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