Chapter 29- Someone save me

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You guys ready for this? Some major feels coming up. The pic is the position Levi is in for a good bit of the chapter and the song is self explanatory. Hope you enjoy and don't kill me for what I've done.

I scream till I'm out of breath. Once I'm out of breath, I jump up and whirl to face Eren, who is sitting up now. He most have woken up when I was screaming. He's looking in shock at (Y/N). I glare at him, he needs to die for what he's done.

Hanji, who must've been watching me, yells, "LEVI, DON'T," guessing what I was about to do.

She jumps in front of me, trying to block my path. But that won't stop me. I pull out both my blades and dash into Hanji, knocking her over. Then I charge to Eren while she is down. I shove my right blade to his throat pressing with just enough pressure to draw blood. Eren is just staring at me, crying again. His eyes are vacant, distant. Before I can push my blade through his throat, Hanji is behind me pulling me away with her arms laced under my shoulders—but I wasn't going to do anything, not after I'd seen Eren's eyes. His eyes say what he couldn't say; he didn't mean to do it.

I drop my blades and let Hanji pull me away from Eren. She pulls me some distance away from him and drops me. My legs collapse from beneath me, so I just plop to the ground. My arms are hanging limply at my sides, with my blades still clinched in my hands. It starts pouring rain then, I lift my head to look to the sky. The rain mixes with my tears, running down my face. This has got to be nightmare, someone please save me from this nightmare, I think. I hear footsteps but don't bother to look, it's just Hanji. The footsteps stop behind me.

"Levi... we've got to out of this rain..." Hanji says. I don't acknowledge her I just keep my head lifted to the sky, letting the rain watch my tears away. Hanji sighs and walks away. I hear her talking to Eren, asking if he's okay.

Some time later I'm still collapsed on the ground with my head lifted to the sky. Hanji and Eren are somewhere near by, I never heard them leave. But what finally gets my attention is a stampede of footsteps and hoof beats.

"What happened? We heard yelling and came back as fast as we could." I hear Eld ask. It must be the rest of the squad coming back.

Before Hanji or Eren can answer Gunther gasps. "(Y/N), s-she's dead..." He must've crouched down to check on her, I conclude. Everyone else gasps too and I even hear some crying, I don't know from who. though. Footsteps come towards me and stop next to me.

"Captain...I-I'm sorry." Petra stutters beside me.

I refuse to acknowledge her, keeping my head lifted to the sky. I feel something start to wrap around my neck, but I jerk away and jump up, my blades pointed towards whoever it was that tried to hug me. I look back to see Petra, wide eyed, staring at me. She had been trying to hug me. I just stare back at her, my eyes burning from all the tears. I put my blades up in my scabbards and walk over to (Y/N)'s body where everyone else is gathered. Eld and Gunther crouched beside it with Hanji and Eren standing, Oruo holding his and Petra's horses behind them. I just stare ahead vacantly. I'm still their leader, I must lead, I finally think.

"Everyone, go back to the castle, get out of the rain and get warm. Just one of you come back with a wagon so we can transport the body." I order robotically.

I feel everyone staring at me, until Eld says, "I'll bring a wagon back, Captain." I just nod and crouch beside (Y/N)'s head.

Hanji gets everyone into action. "C'mon, we need to get out of this rain."

There's a chorus of weak "Yes, Ma'ams." Footsteps fade away and then hoof beats of the horses returning to the castle. I turn my head to look at (Y/N), still lying on the ground where I had first placed her. Her (H/C) hair fanned out behind her, plastered to the ground because of the pouring rain. I walk over and collapse besides her. She looks so small, she was never that big but her spirit took up so much space. My eyes burn, but there are no more tears to come.

"I still can't believe this is happening, someone save me from this nightmare... someone save me from this nightmare.." I say out loud to myself. I lean over (Y/N) and gently pull her into my lap. "I said I'd protect you and I failed... I couldn't even do anything to help. It's like what happened to Farlan and Isabel all over again. Oh... (Y/N), I'm so sorry..."

I gulp for breath at the end. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her up to hug her one last time.

I whisper into her ear, "I never even got to say I love you, I was too much of a coward to say it." I lay her back down on my lap and just stare vacantly at the ground, waiting for the Eld and the wagon to arrive.

(Y/N)'s POV

I hang onto Levi's words.

"Don't give up on me, (Y/N). I'm still fighting, so you keep fighting. I'm waiting for you, I'm not giving up, so you better not give up, not yet."

I keep repeating them over and over and over in my head, becoming a mantra to keep me going. Voices reappear again after some time, but again I can't decipher any of what's being said. I decide to focus on my mantra instead of what I can't understand. I go back to repeating it over and over. But then all of a sudden I feel an intense pain in my chest, my heart is beating too fast and burning like it's been lit on fire. My breath hitches and starts to rattle. I try to control my racing heart and rattling breath, but I can't and the pain is becoming too much. I fight it for as long as I could—seconds, minutes, or even hours for all I know. But in the end I feel my heart beat one last time and slowly grind to a stop. Darkness rises up and sallows me.


I claw and fight the darkness but my body refuses me. I can't live without a beating heart. I sink into the darkness, my last thought being, I'm so sorry, Levi. You can survive without me, you'll make a huge difference, I know you will. I love you...

Levi's POV

What's taking Eld so long? It's been a fucking eternity since he left. I look down at (Y/N)'s body in my lap. If I stay here alone much longer I might do something... I lay my head down on my chest, wore out and tired from everything that has happened. I close my eyes and see an image of (Y/N) when she was laughing at Oruo biting his tongue. I flinch. I'm going to miss that smile so much. I'm going to miss her so much. I open my eyes, not able to stand seeing that image any longer. I move (Y/N)'s body around a tiny bit so I can pull out my right blade. I lift it to eye level and stare at it considering my options. I can stay in this sorry excuse of a world fighting a losing battle or end it right here, with the person I loved in my lap.

"There's no one to save me from this nightmare, because this isn't a nightmare, it's real." I say aloud.

I sigh and drop my arm and the blade to lay by my side and lift my head to stare at the sky again. I already lost 2 of my best friends, amd I barely survived that... I can't stand losing another one... especially (Y/N). But (Y/N) would be pissed at me for even contemplating dying, I think.

I lift my head to the sky again and scream, "WHAT DO I DO?!" My throat is raw from crying and screaming so much. I lower my head to look at (Y/N) again. "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" I ask over and over again. My head collapses to my chest again, out of breath and tired.

I raise my head some time later, shaking from the freezing cold rain and from the decision I had come to. I lean down and kiss (Y/N) gently on the lips one last time. Then I lift my right arm to eye level again and look at the blade in my hand. I close my eyes and think of all the good times I've ever had with (Y/N). Hundreds of tiny smiles, chuckles, and grins pass through my head. I smile, and then, without thinking about it, slash my blade across my throat.

But... something knocks the blade out of my hand before I can do enough damage to end it.

I just feel a trickle of blood running down my throat. So I grab my left blade without opening my eyes and try again to slash it across my throat, but get about as far as I did with the first blade before it's knocked out of my hand too.

I grind my teeth and snap at Eld, who I'm guessing returned just in time to stop me. "Stop. I just want to end it."

But the voice that responds isn't Eld.

"Stop being a goddamn idiot."


Hope it didn't hurt your soul too much and that you enjoyed it lol😁

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