Chapter 25- Cleaning time

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Everyone knows the cleaning Levi outfit lol and don't kill me for the song, I couldn't help myself. It's the only song that came to my mind when I thought of cleaning up, I was forced to listen to it way too many times when I was younger. But you've gotta admit that's probably the perfect song? Am I right?

We arrive at the old Survey headquarters not long after that hilarious incident. I'm still out of breath from laughing so hard and whenever I glance over at Levi he's still smirking. Everyone stops before the old castle, looking it over.

"Petra, Oruo, take everyone's horses and stable them." Levi orders as he climbs off his horse.

I jump off of Wayfarer and watch as everyone else dismounts too. Petra and Oruo go around, grabbing 3 horses each by their reins to lead them to the stable, wherever that might be. I look the castle over, seeing weeds everywhere and imagining the dust that's inside it. I can't help cringing, thinking about how dirty it is in there. Then I glance over at Eren, he's looking at everyone around him, seeming to be examining each and every one of us. But he looks at me the longest, probably because I'm the most unknown to him.

I look for Eld and Gunther and see them walking around, checking out the horrible condition the castle is in. While I had been watching them, Oruo and Petra must have come back from stabling the horses because I hear them arguing about something. I look over to see that they were, indeed, arguing. I shake my head when I see them arguing. Not surprising, I think. I look around for Levi then, realizing if this mess is making me cringe he's probably going crazy from it.

And right on cue I hear, "That's a serious problem. Let's get to work at once." My head snaps back to Eld and Gunther zeroing in on Levi's voice. He had walked up behind them, listening to them talk about the condition of the castle. Oh, boy, I think, and prepare myself for the cleaning that's coming. It's cleaning time.

A couple hours later, I'm leaning against the wall in room that me and Levi are cleaning, exhausted from cleaning so much. Levi had assigned me to clean with him, so I pretty much had to clean the entire castle with him. My head drops towards my chest a tiny bit, but then I remember what happened to Oruo earlier and I can't help but laugh.


"(Y/N), you're with me. Oruo, you're to clean the stables from top to bottom." Levi orders.

Oruo questions him, "But why can't Eren clean the stables?"  I smirk. Oh, Oruo, did you really just do that? I think.

"Brat, you will follow that order. If you don't remember I'll so kindly remind you that you lost the bet the other day and owe me a month of cleaning. So, clean the stables or you'll be cleaning them for so long you'll become a pile of horse shit." Levi snaps while glaring at Oruo.

Oruo gulps and salutes, "Yes, sir," then turns around and quickly walks away, presumably heading for the stables. I burst out laughing as soon as Oruo is out of hearing range. I have to grab my stomach again from laughing so much.

"Good one, Levi." I say and glance up at him.

He's standing beside me, looking down at me. "Stop laughing, brat. Need I remind you that you lost that bet to me too and owe me some cleaning as well."

That brings my laughing to a halt. I stand up straight and nod, "I'm fine with cleaning, you know that."

"Oh, are you now? We'll see about that after we're done today." is all he says and then turns to walk towards the castle. I roll my eyes and sprint after him, preparing for hours of cleaning.

Flashback end

"Brat, get your head out of your ass and help me clean." snaps me out of the memory.

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