Chapter 6- Join me?

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The song Reluctant Hero's is perfect for this chapter, I love it and listen to it at least 2-3 times a day lol. I suggest to listen to it throughout the whole chapter.

Levi looks to the ground. "There's 2 options for you, 1: stay here and continue to survive in this hell hole, and I'll face Erwins disappointment for having failed to capture you. I'll tell him I injured you bad enough that you would be dead soon to stop anyone from every trying to capture you again. You'd just have to stop making a name for yourself. And there's option 2: you let me "capture" you and come before Erwin and I will convince him to spare you, but then you'd have to plead guilty to your crimes before the court and ask to join the Survey Corps as punishment. If you survive the court I'll convince Erwin to let you join my squad and fight with me against the titans. You're good enough with the ODM gear that you'd have your own squad within a couple months, most likely."

He pauses there, looking up to see my expression, trying to gauge what my reaction would be. I made sure to keep a straight face, because I didn't want him to influence my decision, but inside I was torn. Stay down here where it's hell on earth, fighting to survive every day or join him in the Survey Corps and go into hell on every expedition to fight the titans? But am I strong? Even Levi said I was. I could survive in either place; what should I do? I'd been lost in thought for so long that Levi had said my name at least 5 times before I finally heard him.

"(Y/N), what will it be?" he asks.

I look into his storm grey eyes and noticed there was a hint of blue to them— how have I never noticed that before? That was what made my decision. I want to get to know Levi more. I used to care for him, I might even still care. He said I was what kept him sane. I can't leave him behind when he needs me.

I look at him and nod. "I'll join you in the fight against the titans. I'll join the Survey Corps."

He sighs so quietly I can barely hear it. That sigh says what he would never say out loud, that he was glad I would join him, and he didn't want to leave without me but he had given me the option.

I get up from the steps and pull him up with me. "Let's go kick some titan ass, shall we?"

He snorts at my smart-ass comment. "Yea, let's go go kick some titan ass as you call it, brat."

And he's back to calling me a brat like the old times. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Time skip because all that was happening was some walking

"I need to go get my cape and ODM gear. I had to hide them." Levi is saying as we're walking through the city.  I realize that he's limping and finally realized that I did more damage than I meant to when I stabbed his thigh.

"Where did you hide the ODM gear?" I ask. "We're getting it first, and then we're taking a break. I need to check your injury."

He glares at me. "We're not taking a break, I'm fine. Let's get the cape and gear and be done with this disgusting city."

I was tempted to argue with him but knew I wouldn't win, so instead I say, "Okay, but as soon as we get above ground let me look at that injury. Or so help me, I will hold you down and check that cut."

"Tsk, fine" is all I get back from him. He continues to lead me towards the hotel I had been staying at. He climbs onto the roof and gets the ODM gear. I already had mine so I used it to get to the roof.

The Strong are always overlooked (Levi x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now