Chapter 8- Justice rains from above

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If you get the reference in the title, you are an AWESOME PERSON lol. Nah jk everyone is awesome but if you've played overwatch you better get that reference lol. And the video above is from Gigguk on youtube it's part of his Attack on Titan in 9 minutes video. I literally CRIED laughing and couldn't breathe the first time I saw this. I rewatched it at least 10 times and it was still funny. You'll see how it relates to the chapter by the end lol. And I HIGHLY suggest you go watch the full video just look up Gigguk attack on titan in 9 minutes on YouTube.

A couple hours later we could see Wall Sina on the horizon. I was sore from being on a horse for such an extended period of time. 2-3 hours yesterday and now 2-3 hours today, I didn't know if I'd be able to walk when I get off when we get to the capital.

I jokingly ask Levi, "If I can't walk when we get there will you carry me?"

I feel him grunt from behind me. "Why wouldn't you be able to walk?"

"From being on this damn horse for so long, my legs are numb." I answer.

He chuckles, "You can use ODM gear for days at a time and not be sore, but a horse does you in after a couple hours."

"Hey, I've never been on a horse before yesterday, you know that." I snap back at him. It goes quiet for a couple minutes except for the thumping of the horses hooves.

"Fine, if you're such a weakling, yes, I'll carry you." he finally says.

I look up at him in shock. "Levi, I was just kidding, you know me. I'm as stubborn or more stubborn than you are. I'll walk on numb legs until I get where I'm going or face plant the ground." I say chuckling at the end.

"I guess we'll see whose the most stubborn, then." he says.

I roll my eyes knowing he can't see because I'm sitting in front of him so there won't be any repercussions. We go silent again, until right as we're about to enter the capital he says, "From now on if anyone else is around you will call me Captain, and only Levi when we're alone. If anyone finds out we know each other it will be used against us. Especially Erwin, if he figures out your the one I was frantic to find he probably won't let you stay in my squad. And let's not forget the MP those bastards, will use any little detail they can get their hands on. So during your interrogation I suggest you change a couple things."

I understand right away what he means, I nod along to everything he is saying. I'm already thinking of how I could change my story so it doesn't involve Levi. I'm so deep in thought that I don't notice we've gone through the gate and Levi is off the horse waiting for me to get down. I shake my head clearing my thoughts and hop down. He takes the horse into the stable and unsaddles it and puts it in a stall. When he comes back out I'm waiting.

"I won't cuff you, I have no reason to. But the MP will cuff you for sure, when they take custody of you in a couple minutes. Don't fight them, just go willingly and answer their questions. I'll be in the courtroom with Erwin during your trial." he says.

I nod, already mad at the MP for what they're going to do to me but I know I also deserve it for what I've done. I follow him through the capital until we're at the courthouse. There is a group of three MP's waiting at the doors. They all have their gay green unicorn symbol jackets on. I really, really don't like the MP. I sigh and walk up to them with my hands out, before Levi shoves me to them. I know he would do it if I didn't move. Not to be mean but to keep up the parts we're playing, to make it seem like we've never known each other. The MP that steps forward to cuff me I recognize sadly, it was one of the ones I knocked out and took their ODM gear in the Underground City. He grabs my arms roughly and shoves the cuffs onto my wrists and clicks them shut.

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