Chapter 2- My past catches up to me

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"Levi...?" I said aloud to myself in a whisper, so as to not alert him with my presence within the shadows I was hiding in.

I watched him in a shocked silence as he walked over to the dead body to examine it. The whole time he was examining it, I was wondering where he had been for the last 5 years. I knew when he disappeared that he wasn't dead; he couldn't have died! The walls are more likely to be made of titans than Levi dying. So where had he been? Why had he left me all alone? The more I thought about it the madder I got. He had left me behind without a letter or anything. Thinking about that made me flashback to that last night with Levi, Farlan and Isabel.


"Leeeevvvviii- bro, I don't want to clean!" Isabel shouted, while I sat on the couch laughing at her reluctance to clean.

I watched as Levi didn't even acknowledge her and continued walking out the door after he assigned us our places to clean. I knew that— no matter what— in the end, Isabel would clean. I got up to get to cleaning what I was so-called "assigned" to clean by Levi: the kitchen.

I don't know why everyone had to clean when the place was spotless to begin with. Levi cleaned it himself everyday, but hey— don't anger the beast by denying him a cleaning. Farlan, who has been sitting beside me on the couch, saw me and started cleaning.

He sighed before saying, "Isabel, just clean. Look, (Y/N) is doing her part, and we don't know when Levi will be back. He told us to have this place cleaned by the time he gets back, so get to it already." Isabel gave in at that point because she knows what happens when the cleaning isn't done by the time he is back. We all got up and started to clean.

We had just barely finished in time. We heard the door creak open as soon as the last window was done being scrubbed. Farlan, Isabel and I turned around, pretended to salute at Levi and said, "Sir, the building has been cleaned!"

I started cracking up before I even finished the sentence and by that point Isabel was on the ground rolling from laughing so much. Even Farlan was chuckling. Levi just looked at us with his "WTF-is-this-face." He then asked, "Whose shitty idea was that?"

Farlan and Isabel both pointed at me and I acted stunned and innocent. "No, it wasn't me at all, nope."

Levi didn't buy it at all and let out a small tsk at us as he walked past to check if we had cleaned to his liking.

Time Skip Because I'm Too Lazy

We had all had our supper and were going to sleep or, at least, trying to go to sleep. Farlan and Isabel were already passed out. I wasn't tired, though, so I snuck past them so as to not wake them up and went to sit on the steps out front just to relax for a bit. I hadn't thought to check where Levi had wandered off to, knowing he doesn't sleep so well so he's still awake somewhere. That was answered 5 minutes later when I heard the door creak open behind me and someone started rubbing my, hair messing it up. I knew who it was immediately.

"Heeeeyyyy, sttttoooppppp. You know I hate it when you mess my hair up..." I said.

"Tsk Fine, if you insist. But to get me to stop, you have to do something for me," Levi said.

I turned around in and stared at him, in fear of what he would ask to be done. Cleaning the entire house, running his errands to get cleaning supplies, etc. I shivered out of fear and whispered, "What is it you want?"

He saw my expression and chuckled, knowing what I was thinking.

He said, "It's nothing as bad as what your thinking, just give me your jacket so I can sit down. I'm not sitting on that disgusting ground."

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