Chapter 9- Sick as a dog

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Yea, the pic gives it away Levi gets sick. And play the song when I say, it's make the moment. It's the song from Levi's ova A choice with no regrets, I like it quite a bit. It sounds so sad, but if you look up the full English lyrics it is very happy.

I come back to with the feeling of being rocked back and forth. What's going on? The last thing I remember is Dhalis saying I'm in the Survey Corps— I must've fainted from exhaustion and the bloodloss. That doesn't explain the rocking though, but I figure it out once I look at my surroundings closer. I'm in a pair of arms being carried bridal style. I look up, of course it's Levi carrying me. I then look in front of us and see Erwin walking towards a door. We must be following him.

At that point Levi has noticed I'm awake and sighs in relief quietly. "You're awake? How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm floating, very light headed. Where did those butterflies come from?" I answer him incoherently.

His eyes widens at my answer and he grunts as he shoves past Erwin. "You're not moving fast enough, Eyebrows. She's awake and not in good condition." he snaps at Erwin when he goes to rebuke him for shoving past.

He opens the door and goes to lay me on a couch in the corner. I look around, smiling at the butterflies and sparkles all over the room.

"What has got you so worried, Levi?" I hear Erwin ask distantly.

"She's a member of my squad and she's saying she's seeing butterflies all around. That's not a good sign." he explains while looking through a cabinet.

Erwin comes to sit besides me on the couch. He puts the back of his hand to my forehead. "She seems to have a raging fever."

Levi just grunts while still looking through the cabinet, then he finally finds what he was looking for. He comes over with some gauze to wrap up my now uncuffed wrists. He does it so gently I barely notice the weight of his hands on my wrist.

"Eyebrows, stay with her. I'm going to get a wet towel to help with the fever." Levi orders Erwin.

I'm totally out of it still but I do hear that and I'm surprised Erwin agreed to being ordered around by Levi. "You let 'im order ya around?" I stumble over some of the words but he understands.

"Levi cares. He doesn't show it often but he cares for everyone, especially his squad even if you are new to it." I nod and go back to watching the butterflies. Erwin stays by my head— not saying anything, just staying with me.

A couple minutes later or even hours later for all I know I hear Levi come back in the room. He has a bucket of water and a towel in his hands.

"Move, Eyebrows," he snaps at Erwin.

Erwin moves to sit in a chair on the other side of the room, even he looks worried now. Levi sits where Erwin was and puts the bucket on the floor. He soaks the towel in it then wrings it out a little. I feel something cool on my forehead and realize it's the towel. It helps a little bit, brings me down to earth a bit.

"Thanks, you two, for everything.." I mumble while I'm even slightly coherent.

"We've got to get her back to headquarters. Get Shitty-glasses to check her over." I hear Levi say as I fade back into a daze.

I feel someone pick me up again but don't have the strength to check who. I know I'm outside when I feel the wind and that I'm put into something when the wind stops. A carriage, my mind explains to me. But as soon as I'm laid down, I faint again.

Levi's POV

I'm utterly freaking out, but I can't let Erwin see how much. As soon as I laid (Y/N) down in the carriage she fainted again. I sit down besides Erwin on the bench across from (Y/N). I look out the window and urge the scenery to change faster in my mind.

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