Chapter 13- Feel Invincible

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Sorry for yesterday's chapter it was horrible, I know. I'm working on getting over it. Thanks for sticking with me, if you actually read that crappy chapter. This chapter is gonna be all about feeling invincible hence the song, from Skillet yet again. And the pictures are my character from the Attack on Titan 2 game beating Levi in hand-to-hand combat.

The next morning

I wake with a huge grin on my face. So what, some bad things had happened last night. But the good outweighed the bad by a lot. I managed to open up to Levi, and let go of everything that I had been holding in. I had got him to agree to let me help him when he needs it and he had also kissed me. He cares for me like I wanted him to for so long but I had thought he didn't.

I pinch my arm, to stop my mind from going off track and get up to get dressed. I throw on the scout uniform and the ODM gear straps. Then I open the door to my dorm and run to the bathroom down the hallway. Once I'm there I comb my hair and put it in a (desired style). As I'm stretching to put my hair up my arms twinge from the multiple injuries I had acquired on both. I wince and look at my infected wrists and the cut from Wayfarers hoove. My wrists are still red and infected but the puffiness is going down fast and the other cut is just a scab now.

There's another injury from last night I never noticed, where Levi lunged forward to grab me under my arms are bruised. He most of been extremely scared, for him to have grabbed me so hard. He usually tries his hardest to avoid hurting me even if we are doing something like training. I smile, I know why he tries so hard now, he cares for me like I've always wanted. I shake my head looking at myself blushing in the mirror. I take a couple deep breaths and I'm able to control my emotions. I don't want the rest of the squad asking questions. I walk down to the dining hall, I didn't realize how early it is. There is no one there except the cooks.

I look for a table where there's a window near it, so I can watch the sunrise. I find one and sit down, putting my elbow on the table and resting my head on my hand. I doze off, staring at the sunrise that is until I feel a presence besides me. However, I recognize the presence and don't freak out.

"Good morning, Captain," I say without taking my eyes off the sunrise.

A "tsk" is all I get in return. I turn to look at him. The  first thing I notice is that there are no dark circles under his eyes. "You actually got some sleep, it seems." I say.

"I said I'd try, didnt I, brat?" I try not to smile, knowing that he listened to me.

"How much did you get?" I ask.

"Probably 5-6 hours," he answers.

I sigh, "That's not much, but at least it's better than your usual 3 hours."

He chuckles at what I said. I roll my eyes and go to stand up, but I feel a hand on my arm. "Where are you going?"

"To get some tea and breakfast. I was starving after training yesterday because I didn't have any breakfast." I explain, wondering why he cares.

"Sit down." he orders.

I do as he says and sit back down. He gets up and goes toward the kitchen. I look after him, confused, and end up shrugging my shoulders. He's a hard one to understand sometimes, even for me. I go back watching the sunrise.

A couple minutes later Levi is back with a plate of food and two cups of tea. I look at him, confused. "I could've got it myself?"

"I was going to get tea for myself anyway, so I might as well get yours while I'm at it."

I chuckle quietly under my breath. Levi had wanted to make me tea and made up an excuse to do it. I pick up the cup, mimicking how he holds a tea cup. I take a sip, knowing it's going to be how I like it. And yep, it's exactly how I like it. I look up to tell Levi thank you, but he's staring at how I'm holding the tea cup. I take a guess at what he's thinking.

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