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A/N : I have made yet another story of a Moonbyul fanfiction. This is only a work of fanfiction so any part of the story is only based on my imaginations. It may contain some violent words, kind of sexual content and etc. I hope you will support this story and don't forget to vote, comment and have fun as we unfold the secrets hidden inside the Moon castle. 

DISCLAIMER!!: This is only a work of fiction and is all based on the crackhead author's mind and is most importantly not made to disrespect nor harm any members of Mamamoo or anyone present in this story. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, photos etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.

PS: Plagiarism is a crime.

Cover designed by fav unnie MarMahitani 💕❤️


 Dior's POV

       "Mom, I'm back! I brought home some sweet potatoes for supper tonight!" I announced giddily as I got inside our little house. Our house isn't much, Only a decent bed that could fit only one person, a couch and a small cubicle where we wash our clothes and food. Just a few leaks here and there but I have gotten used to it. We usually take a bath at the backyard where we built some wooden walls where we could fit a bucket of water beside the toilet bowl.

   I stopped in my tracks when unfamiliar people came into view , standing stiffly in the living area with my dad staring seriously at me as my mom sat beside him, silently crying which made my anxiety rose up. 

 "D-Dad, what's going on?" I asked as I stepped in closer to join in the conversation. "Dior, It's time we put yourself into good use." my dad uttered almost  emotionlessly making me taken aback at what he's saying. 

 "Dad, what are you talking about?" I asked  instantly feeling insulted at his choice of words but mostly I am scared he would hit me again , infront of guests this time. "Your mother's health is getting worse day by day , so I don't have a choice but to trade you in exchange for your mother's health needs." I couldn't feel my body as I can't believe what I am hearing that's coming out of his mouth. H-He sold me..

  "Dylan, Please don't do this to our daughter!" my mom pleaded making my heart clench at her reaction. "And then what?! Let you die?!  This is our only chance to treat your condition! We know your condition wont last you long in this world so please, let's not make this chance go to waste! If only I can go instead then I will! But I am not qualified because they only take maidens to serve them!" This time , his voice rose which made me look down on the floor. 

  He is right, There is no other way to treat her but going there. We are lucky enough to be chosen to give aid for my mom.  How could I be so selfish? This is the only way!

  "B-But isn't there another way? There has to be another way!"she exclaimed in frustration as  tears streamed down her cheeks. "Mom.. We all know we have no other options left. We can't just let you die, I would do anything for you and you know that right?" she slowly nodded her head as I try my best not to cry. 

  "Now all I'm asking you is to stay healthy while I'm away and I promise I will come back for you, okay?" I said as i kneel infront of her. My eyes started to sting as I get a closer look of her crying face. I just can't bear watching my mother cry like this.  "I will wait for you , my daughter. I will wait even if it would take decades." she said through her sobs making my lips quiver as I try my best to smile at her.  "Mother, Don't cry. I might not be able to leave seeing you in that hideous estate." I said making her chuckle. "Always remember my child, I love you." she said , kissing my cheeks. 

  "I love you too Mom." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "I better start packing." I muttered but a voice stopped me. "Oh, no need Miss Dior. Packing isn't necessary since starting tomorrow morning, you only wear uniforms designed for you." A man whose about in his early 40's and seemed to look like he's wearing a butler's uniform uttered making me nod my head in approval. It's not like I own much.

  I looked over at my dad who just stared at me seriously as if anticipating me to leave right away and work to pay for my mom's expenses and who knows what deal they have made other than sending me off that we didn't know of. "Please take good care of her. The moment I find out you screw things up , I'll be taking my mom away from you." I said , finally having the courage to threaten him. 

   Not long after, I left the house with a heavy feeling weighing on my heart . I'm gonna miss my mom but I have to be strong. I can't afford to lose her. As soon as I went out of our worn out gate, A sort of back car was parked by infront of our house. 

"Get in Miss Dior." the buff man said as he opened the car door. I went inside and stared at it in awe.  I've never been in these kind of things before.

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"So Miss Dior, Let's get down to business." the butler said as he fixed his glasses. "I am Fenix Wu. Head butler of the Royal Family of the Moon Clan. Pleasant to meet you." my eyes popped open when he mentioned THE Royal Family Moon . 

  "Hello Sir, my name is Yana Dior." I said as I attempted to curtsy but he stopped me. "Don't curtsy at me, my child. I am just a Royal Head Butler. Not a Royal family member. Also, I would like you to call me Fenix. You'll be working as one of the maid of the Royal family. I can see your determination helping your mom, I instantly know just the specific work for you. " I nodded as I take in all the information.

 "Uhmm... What work would that be?" I asked.

 "You'll be working for Her Royal Highness , Moon Byul." my jaws literally dropped hearing her name. The Heir of The Moon Clan. I have heard about her before, Despite of the gorgeous demeanor, she wears suits instead of bright gowns. Has cold blood for men and likes to play around in the castle. She is ruthless and doesn't give mercy to those who disobey her subjects.  And not to mention , she can kill you in just a stare.

I haven't seen her before but hearing this kind of rumors, I'm scared for my life. 

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