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Dior's POV

    Were currently in the tea room for Ma- I mean Byul's afternoon tea. The food are honestly so extra today.  She summoned me just now to be her personal maid again so who am I to refuse? Did I forget to tell you how handsome she looks in her casual clothes?

  She summoned me just now to be her personal maid again so who am I to refuse? Did I forget to tell you how handsome she looks in her casual clothes?

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   I began to move closer to her when I saw her cup needed a  refill. I saw her from my peripheral  vision that she just stared at my face, watching me as I move closer to reach for the tea pot and pour some hot tea in her cup. Her chocolate eyes fixate on me causing butterflies erupting in my stomach.

    I slowly gulped, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. 

"Is there something on my face Mast- I mean B-Byul?" I asked, snapping her out from her thoughts.  Her eyes widen like she just realized that she was staring at me for too long. She immediately shook her head as she tried to hide her smile by biting her lip. 

  "Do you need something else then?" I asked. 

  "Yes. Why don't you have a sit and enjoy tea with me?" she grinned. I look around and outside the room incase in case someone would accidentally pass by and spot us together but surprisingly, not a single guard nor maids are wandering around in this wing today. 

    "Don't worry. No one will disturb us here." she chuckled .

 "Erm...o-okay." I hesitantly took a sit intersected from her and watched her lift the cup to her mouth and took a sip of her Jasmine Tea. 

  "What are you still looking at for? Here, have a cookie." she said as she gently move the cookie in front of my mouth. 

I opened my mouth in attempt to receive it but she shift the cookie to the other side. I looked at her confusingly and opened my mouth to take a bite again but she moved the cookie away before I could even took a bite. I gave her a displeasing look and pouted in annoyance. What the... Are you gonna let me eat or not? I thought.

  She chuckled, clearly enjoying this 'game'.

 "Ahh.. cutie." she mumbled. My eyes widen. Did I just heard it right?

 "Pardon?" I asked, trying to make sure if I heard it right. 

 "Nothing. I said I'm just kidding. Here." she chuckled and held the cookie in front of my mouth again. I somehow got disappointed that my ears were just playing tricks on me. 

   I stared at her and the cookie suspiciously . 

"I'm serious this time." she smiled and put her head on her other hand as she rested her elbow on the table.

  I hesitantly opened my mouth and move closer to take a bite at the cookie. The flavour immediately danced in my mouth, making my eyes wide.

"Delicious, isn't it? Have some more!" she said as she shoved practically all the pastries to me. 

Serving the Moon  ( A MAMAMOO- MOONBYUL FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now