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Moon Byul's POV

My chest and body still won't calm down even after staying in the bath for almost 2 hours , missing my breakfast schedule which is why I told Our Head maid, Mina to call our Family Doctor. I honestly felt hot in this pajamas so they decided to turn the air condition full bast for me. Not long after, I felt relieved as my body started to calm down but I know that it won't be long till I'm gonna need an icy bath soon if I won't treat this right away.

"It looks like you have already found the person that was meant for you. Tell me what you felt so I can put something in my record, Your grace." our doctor said as he pulled out his pen. "At first when she touched me down to my shoulder, it felt warm... Almost as if it's arousing me which has caught me off guard. I got confused as it began to feel hotter and hotter the longer she touches me . I told her to get out because the feeling inside me really felt almost like it's killing me from the inside, it's weird because I have never felt this kind of tempting feeling before. I thought if she leaves, it would make me at peace and the desire in me would disappear right away but the minute she went out of my room, the feeling intensified like it's burning me alive from the insides. The feeling of wanting to be near her all the time is all I could ever think. Damn, that girl... I don't want to believe that it's her. I have set to marry a specific person and that's it. " I cursed under my breath.

He nodded his head and wrote something down on a blank paper.

" It is actually how the process works,Your grace. At first it is gonna burn so much that's why we have preparing for this moment to come. But is she feeling any sort of burning or something weird too?" he asked as he fixed his lab coat.

"I don't know but what I'm certain of that this has to be a mistake." I rubbed my temple as I felt a certain feeling of my ego. How can a wealthy heir be paired to a commoner? Out of all, a commoner?!

"Okay, I have prepared a few shots to reduce the burning sensation. You may feel numb but there's nothing to worry about. You may also feel a little wobbly on your knees so I suggest you stay in your bed for  few days." he said as he gently penetrate the needle down my veins making me hiss in pain.

"Also, it's best to let the girl remain next to you for at least few days and see if you recover sooner like how it should be, it's worth the try. " he said as he discarded the injection in a plastic bag and fixed her things. "I'll be visiting you from time to time to check on your status , Your Majesty." he bowed and left me in my bed staring hardly at the empty corner of the room.

I sighed. That girl.... She's getting into my nerves but I can't bring myself to hate her and it's annoying! I rang the bell to summon the Mina and Our head butler, Fenix. I felt the need to tell them what I know and my well-being. They are like a family to me because they have watched me grow up and have seen my hardships. A knock on the door pulled me back to reality.

"You called us Master?" I heard a very familiar-feminine voice say which made me immediately put a smile on my face, lighting up my mood. "Come in." The couple came into view as they slowly closed the door behind them. "I told you Nana Mina , just call me Byul." I chuckled "You're the next Ruler of the Moon Clan in a few months so you better get used to everybody calling you that." she scolded at me.

"Are you alright , child?" Fenix asked me worriedly as he touched my forehead to check my temperature. "I am fine. The medicine is working so there's no need for you to worry. However, I have something important to tell you." they nod their head as if ushering me to continue.

"The new girl.... " I trailed. "Oh... You mean Dior? The poor girl was so desperate to treat her mother so she agreed to be a servant. She looked like a very respectful and hard working girl and just started this morning. I hope it fits your liking since the previous maid had enough of your cheeky behavior so I had no choice but to lie to her before she backs out , making up stories that the former maid's contract was finished. " she sighed in exasperation which made me giggle and rubbed my nape.

"It's her fault she easily gets teased and would just stare at me when I'm talking, as if she was in a trance. She was not doing her job properly so I figured I should have fun with her and kind of play around... " I pouted playfully making Nana Mina shake her head in disapproval.

"So... Dior, huh.... Dior. Okay.." I repeated her name again, liking how it rolled off my tongue like honey. "So the girl the Oracle was talking about.. She has arrived." I said as I gazed at them seriously. "Really? Who is it?" Mina asked sounding thrilled to know who the unlucky girl is, completely opposite to what I'm feeling right now.

"I don't think she is aware yet and I'm planning to keep it that way." their eyes widen realizing what I'm trying to say.

"It's the new maid." Their jaws literally dropped as the person who I'm referring to clicked in their minds. "But child, The bond will be so strong that even she can't be able to ignore it." Mina said in horror.

"I know, so as much as possible once I am fully recovered, keep her away from me at all cost. I'm meant to marry the Lady from Neighboring Clan which is the Wood Clan." their faces held a sorrowful expression as I keep my face straight and emotionless.

"But we can't return her back to the village and let her family suffer more, Master." Fenix said downheartedly making me sigh. "Okay, Let her stay inside the castle but out of my sight, understood?" they nodded in agreement.

"I hope you won't regret your decisions. " Mina said worriedly, putting her hand on her chest. "I won't. I have met the Duchess and I think that she is lovely and suitable as my bride." Fenix sighed and pat my back. "You can't lie to us , my child. Because your eyes says otherwise. " he said and stood up.

"We should probably be off now . If you need something, You know what to do." Mina said as they bowed their heads to be dismissed and closed the door after the went out.

I sighed as I look out of the window . This is gonna be harder than I thought it would be. But it's best this way to unite the Moon Clan and the Wood Clan that old man and his best friend worked hard for.


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