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Dior's POV

   I looked above the starry sky and took in the fresh night air as I think about what happened this morning. I shouldn't have done that. Sure she kept a mistake and kept a big secret from me but I didn't even gave her a chance to explain and clear things up. 

    I blanked out. Instead of seeing Byul's kind eyes and seeking for comfort , all I see are the eyes of my tormentors. Monsters. I sighed. That happened to me years ago and I know the moon goddess gave those *ssholes even worst punishment. 

   I facepalmed myself. I'm so stupid. I'm certain that Byul doesn't want to talk to me anymore. But then again, I guess it's better this way. It's better to end all this. For a moment I was somewhat grateful this happened... Oh who am I kidding? 

   I never want to let Byul go. But  I can't be with her. Especially the fact that what were doing is wrong. She is engaged whether she likes it or not. I can't imagine I would be a part of a third party . I can't be selfish just because of love. 

  I massaged my temples and let a tear slip down my cheek once again. This is the hardest decision I made in my whole life and I know Byul is struggling more than I am. Knowing that their future ruler is having an affair with a servant is a major disgrace to the clan. 

  A knock pulled me out of my thoughts and I quickly wiped my tears away. I quickly opened the door only to be greeted by Miss Mina. 

   "Good evening." I smiled. However, she wasn't looking so enthusiastic tonight. 

"Good evening my child. I am summoned to deliver a news about your mother from the hospital." she said. 

   My smile got wider. "How has she been? Best guess she's recovering by now." I responded, eager to hear the long awaited news about my mom's recovery. 


"Didn't make it."

My world stopped upon hearing what just came out of her mouth. My mom... is dead?!

"N-No.. You must be joking right? " I shakily took a step back, trying to find support. I felt like all my body started to gave in . 

 "I don't want to be the one saying this... She was fine a minute ago and before they knew it, she barely had oxygen in her lungs and her heart immediately stopped beating after few minutes for unknown reason." I dropped myself on my knees. My mom... Is DEAD!

  "I'm sorry Dior." she sadly said.

  Everything happened so fast. I c-can't handle them. Without realizing, I was not engulfed with complete darkness. 

  'Child! Child! Open your eyes." A voice called unto me, causing me to open my eyes. My sight was immediately greeted with billions of stars around me, twinkling like diamonds. They look so close ... yet so far. 

     My body felt very light. Almost like a feather as pearly white clouds lay under me effortlessly . Everything looked like a dream . 

  'Child!' another whisper echoed the place again. 

"Whose there?" I called out.

    A flash of light dawned unto me and revealed a very beautiful being I have ever seen. Her eyes were white and her hair color was tanned.  A crescent moon was imprinted unto her forehead.  She also had a silver wavy locks that hung loosesly  down to her hips. Her whole body was covered with various kind of silver tribal tattoos. She then wore a silky white dress flowing down her knee  and she was glowing.  She is breathtaking. 

  I don't have to ask her who she is. It's like my body instantly recognized her. It was the goddess herself. 

  "My child. It is with great joy that I were able to reach to you. I have summoned you to warn everybody a war will break soon. Tell them to get ready."  she spoke. 

 I felt like I was in a daze, staring at her wide eyed. 

"Why me? Why'd you choose me?" I asked, out of all questions. I was that curious. So many questions filled my head that I am certain she only knows the answer.

 " I didn't. You chose me before I did." she chuckled.

  "What happened to mom?" I asked. 

 "Her time has came. She has been a very faithful servant and she used her gift well. I have never been more happy for her. So don't be sad because she's just right here." she pointed at my chest. Somehow, I trusted everything she said and felt myself relieved from the pain of  loss. 

  "Please protect the Moon Clan with your life Dior.  That is my final task for you before you can come home with me. In peace. "


"You will know." 

She whispered and with that she blew me away, causing me to fall out of the sky . 

I gasped, feeling my soul re enter my body and cold sweat wash rushing down my forehead. I looked around and was greeted with Miss Mina's worried face . 

  "Are you alright?" she asked and gently helped me get up. 

  "I... I think so. W-What time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. 

  "It's already 9 in the morning." she responded. I sighed. I must've been out for a night.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked again. 

"Two days , Dior." My eyes widen at her sentence . 2 days?!!! That is a long amount of time! Wait, that means the ball.. Is today!!

"Miss Mina... I have something to tell you." I quickly said, not wasting another time remembering my task. She immediately took a seat, ready to listen to me. 

"The clan is in grave danger. Please tighten security including Byul's security. A war will outbreak soon! Please! Bring out warriors ." Her eyes widened, worriedness were written all over her face. 

"A-Are you sure about what your saying?" she asked. 

"The goddess herself told me." I said breathlessly .

 "Do you know when it will happen?" I shook my head. The goddess didn't tell me about a specific date. 

" Oh dear, I should call Fenix and warn him. I also have to get the warriors ready incase something happens at the ball. " she quickly said and excused herself. At this point, nothing mattered anymore, the negative emotions I felt days ago were long forgotten as a new form of emotion build up inside of me. 


Determination to protect the crown.



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