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Solar's POV

I grimaced as I red the context of the book laying on the floor. I sighed. Dior or whatever her name was in the past don't deserve this cruel experience. Imagine being raped and burned by the whole village is beyond a nightmare.

I suddenly have a bad feeling about all this. It says in the book that peace will happen when these two meet but with Wood Clan in the picture, I'm afraid that will never happen. I don't even know why I hate Isabella in the first place either. I said I am trying to be nice to everybody but it's different when it comes to Bella.

I better start digging up regarding these issue. It's like half of me will never be at peace if I don't find out why this lady is so bent on marrying Byul even though she could clearly see that Byul doesn't like her at all and that she is meant to meet the Oracle's Descendant. I refuse to believe she doesn't know about her fiancee's fate.

Maybe..... She didn't believe it?

I scratched my head in confusion as all the theories jumbled in my mind making me groan in frustration.

Byul is my friend whom I trust with my whole life and seeing her struggling like this pains me. I have to get to the bottom of this.

Dior's POV

I woke up due to sun ray blinding my eyes . I winced when I felt pain on both of my hands. But I also felt an arm wrapped around my waist. I looked behind me and found out it was Byul sleeping peacefully beside me.

She was fast asleep. Her tensed and hard eyes were no longer there. I only see an innocent tired lady sleeping peacefully like an angel. I moved closer as gentle as I can but it caused her to stir and woke her up. Unfortunately.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" she said as she rubbed her tired eyes gently. Aren't I supposed to ask her that?

"No." I said. "Did I?" I asked.

She slowly nodded which made me want to hug her close to my chest.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "It's okay." she reassured me.

"By the way, How did I get here?" I remembered I was in the library and dreamed about being present as people burnt alive in my past li-

I looked back at my bandaged hand. Oh no.... IT'S REAL!! My shoulders began to shake as reality hit me . Tears started brimming down my face and my heart hurts remembering what those people did to me.

Byul immediately sat up and hugged me close to her chest.

"D-Did it hurt? Do you want pain killers? W-What's wrong?" she asked numerous questions.

"B-Byul... It's real." I trembled in fear.

"What's real my love?" she asked as she soothed my head for me to calm down.

"I saw my past life . I was raped and burnt alive." I said as I let Byul pull me closer to her.

Byul's POV

I sighed. All I could do is apologize to her. I don't know what to say anymore. My mind went blank as I stared at this fragile girl sobbing in my arms. I just red the book last night.

"You're that lady in the book, Dior." I've spent most of my life anticipating for her arrival but what frustrated me is that I never really knew what really happened to her up until last night. How could I leave out such an important detail?!

"And you didn't even get a chance to tell me?!" she looked at me with betrayal written on her face. I looked down in shame . I admit that this time, I am screwed for not telling her.

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