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Dior's POV 



   "Are you kidding me?" my jaws dropped hearing what she just said. "Do I look like I'm joking to you?" she said emotionlessly. I know I said I want to strip infront of her but this.. 

Its easier said than done! 

"B-But..." I looked down hesitantly. "Just do as I say but leave your undergarments on, of coarse!" she ordered as she took of her suit and unbutton her black satin shirt , leaving her only in her inner tops and trousers which ended up showing her delicate snow-like complexion. 

Alright Dior, it's either strip or die from the heat.

  I gulped and turned away to unbutton my top, dropping it down to the ground exposing my black lacy bra. I felt a set of blazing eyes burning holes right through my exposed back. I let out a shaky breath and pulled the elastics of my shorts down to my ankle and left with only my underwear . I felt a little better now that cold air started penetrating my skin. 

  I turned back to face her and her eyes traveled down to my figure , making me felt self conscious of my body. I know I may look like a twig because of lack of food at home but I promise, I can still carry a horse. I noticed her adam's apple bobbed as she stared down at my exposed stomach a little longer than how it should be. I cleared my throat which made her look away from me and showed how her ear turned red.

  "I- Uh... N-Now what?" I rubbed my arms awkwardly, feeling flustered just standing here and exposing myself to my master. "Y-You felt hot, r-right? And I felt cold.. So.. Come here." she reluctantly opened her  arms. I hesitantly sat on the bed and get into her cold grasp, cuddling in close to her.

  "Our temperatures contradict so let's take it as an advantage to balance our bodily-heat. I know this is awkward but atleast no one dies tonight." she stroke my back while explaining the situation. I nodded and nuzzled on her cold neck . I felt like being enveloped in a cold comfy blanket with her touch and I can't deny it felt nice and soothing.. "You're body temperature is cold. You're not dead, right?" she chuckled at my question. oh..Was it funny?

  "Of coarse not. My skin just reflected what I felt but that doesn't mean I am dead. I'm not a normal human, Dior." my brows knitted together in confusion. "Are you a shape-shifter, then?" I looked up to her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes that is boring down at me. "It's a secret." she whispered and smirked making me pout and remain silent. 

 Silence filled the air for a minute until she broke the ice. 

"Are you feeling good?" she asked as she draw small circles on my back . I stopped myself from shivering at her touch and bit the insides of my cheeks as butterflies erupted inside my stomach. "Y-Yes . Thank you. "

"W-What about you Master? How are you feeling?" I asked. 

"Warm." she just replied with only one word. I slowly nodded and tried my best not to lean back to her, afraid that her arms might ache. 

  "You're neck will ache if you stay like that." she stated and out of the blue, she pulled my head back on her chest. My ever-so overreacting heart start to beat fast. 

 "Do you have any idea why this happened to us?"

  "It's meant to be like this." she curtly replied, not sparing me a glance. "Why?" curiousity got the best of me and want to know more about all this. 

"Why do you wanna know?" 

"I'm curious."

"Curiousity can kill the cat, bambola." 

"So that means you'll tell me?"

"Gosh, you're so noisy. Don't wait for me to shut you up with my lip." she threatened me which made me look up to her, no words came out of my mouth.

"Just kidding." she smirked which made me a giggle and put my ear on her chest to listen to her heartbeat that was hammering like through her chest. Her heartbeat sounded like a melody to me that made me relax.  I looked up at and studied her face once more. Such a perfect shaped nose and pair of lips that makes me want to taste it again, Ah! NO! NO! NO!

 "Stop staring at me like that or else I'm gonna have to kiss you." she smirked, her eyes still fixate on the ceiling. I chuckled at her statement, there she is again with her joke. 

"I'd like to see you try." Aw god. WRONG CHOICE OF WORDS! No, WRONG ANSWER! DIOR!

   In a blink of an eye, she was on top of me trapping my frame in between her knees .One of her hands supporting on the headboard and her other hand pinning my shoulder down. Her cold silver chained necklace pressed unto my skin made me shiver as her eyes staring down at me like a hawk. I didn't realize I was holding holding my breath till she spoke. 

"What did you say?" she asked, pushing her hair back and looking down unto my lip. 

     "Nothi-" she cut me off by slamming her lips unto my lips. My mind took too long to process what was happening until my lips started to move on its own and returned the kiss . She began sucking and nibbling my lips as she elevate my chin with her hand for a better axis and gently rubbing on my nape making me let out a soft moan which made her grip on my nape tighter yet gentle at same time. 

   She pulled off later after that blistening uh... kiss. We were both panting so hard, trying to catch our breaths. My heart wont stop beating so fast as she kept staring at my now swollen lips. 

  "Next time..." she panted , twirling my hair and caressing my jaw.

"If you'd like to see me try, just make sure you can handle me well." she spoke in between her panting estate and looked up at my eyes. My cheeks felt hot and I was unable to move, nor speak. 

  "Good night Bambola." she smirked and left ontop of me, laying on the bed facing away from me.

   I blinked twice taking in what she said and what we did. I absentmindedly touched my lips and looked at her back. A smile failed to hide from my face as I tried my best to hide it by facing away from her. 

 Master, what is it that you want from me that you're making me feel like this? With all this things you did to me made me fall harder for you to the point that its really hard for me to ignore it anymore.


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