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Moonbyul's POV

              For the few days that I have been with my 'Fiancee', I could say I'm ready to die . Luckily, the Moon goddess considered giving me some rest for a few days before the ball. Isabella had to go home for a few days because of some business matter but she will be back just in time for the ball. 

 I lay down on my bed and sighed in exhaustion. I feel so tired. What am I even doing with my life? I thought and closed my eyes. In that second, Dior's face flashed in my head making me quickly open my eyes and rose from my sitting position.

I groaned and rubbed my face in frustration. A knock on the door startled me. I immediately straightened up and yelled "Come in." The door slightly open and Dior's head popped out from the slightly parted door. 

  "My apologies for interrupting you. I came here to return this." She handed me my blazer as she forced a smile. I furrowed my brows in confusion . She quickly went inside my walk in closet to hang my blazer inside and stop on the edge of the bed infront of me . i raised my eyebrow and waited for her to say something.

  "S-So, You're getting married." She started as she avoid eye contact. I closed my eyes feeling her pressure spreading right through my body. "Unfortunately, Yes." 

  "Since when?" 

   "Since I was just a teenager." 

  "But... Why did you kiss me?" she asked with confusion and hurt written all over her face. That emotion I don't want to see or feel from her. I hate that feeling.

    "I-Uhh.. I'm sorry Dior. I shouldn't have done that. It's wrong of me to-"

   "But I don't regret anything!" she cut me off making me look at her in surprise. 


    "I don't want you to say anything yet. Just...  give me the chance to tell you just how I feel. I am very positive there was a connection between us. You can't deny that either. I have always liked you, Young Master. And I don't even know why. You may be kind, thoughtful, and helpful to your people but you are also mean, arrogant, short-tempered and mysteriously spontaneous. I hate that I love that about you. " she said and her lips started to quiver.

Dior's POV

     "It really hurts that I just found out  now you are getting married.  I should've stayed away from the start if only I knew earlier that I would be this selfish. Please... don't.. don't get marrie-"

"I love you."  she said and wrapped her arms around me before I could even react.  W-What? 

    "Are you leaving me, Dior?" she whispered. 

  "I... I.." My mind went blank and no words can come out of my mouth.She tighten her hug and suddenly I felt warm right in my chest and my heart began to beat at a fast phase. 

     I took the opportunity to place my head on her shoulder and gently inhaled her scent as she nuzzled on my neck.

    "I don't want to Dior... I never wanted to marry her in the first place ... But I have to. I am tired of my life but I don't really have a choice. My people are counting on me. " she whispered hopelessly.

 Her shoulders began to shake and I felt hot liquid on my neck. Is she crying? . I attempted to lessen the hug but her grip on my waist tighten. 

  "I understand... " I sighed in defeat. 

A long silence surrounded the room. 

   "I like you a lot. Dior, A lot. And I want to have enough time to at least prove to you how much I am crazy for you, I would." 

  "Do you really meant what you said?"  I asked, gently stroking her head. In which she nodded, making me smile.

  "Each and every word ... I love you. Don't leave."

   "I wont." I whispered.    

    "But please...  Just for a few days... Don't hold back what you feel and prove to me. At least let me feel what falling inlove is. All I'm asking is for a few days . And after the ball, Let's forget it all happened. By then, I will accept whatever my fate is." I forced a smile. A small smile crept unto her face and looked at me feeling unsure but I squeezed her hand to let her know that it's all gonna be worth it. 

  "Alright... Time starts... NOW." Before I could even process what she's trying to say, she planted her lips on my lips. Fireworks exploded in my head and my eyes began to close as I took in the warmth that I felt from her. This is an amazing feeling. Everything turns into slowmo and it felt like I'm a main character in a Fairytale story.

   "Stay with me tonight." she blurted out.

    "B-But the guards and the maids." I stuttered, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. "I'll tell them not to come at my wing." she whispered in my ear making me giggle. 

  She pressed a button on the wall and began to speak.  "Mina, Please don't let any maid or guard wander around my wing during night time. I don't like their heavy footsteps. I'll just ring my bell whenever I want their service, okay?" 

  "Noted, Young Master." and the call closed. 

   "Young Master-"

 "It's Byul when were alone." she smiled making me chuckle. 

  "O-Okay.... Byul." 

"Let's sleep." she pulled my arm and dragged me to lie down on the bed with her. 

"Aren't you gonna mind what they will think of you when they saw you with me?" I asked worriedly. I mean, her reputation is at stake here. 

  "I don't. I never did. Now sleep, my love." she said and wrapped her arms around my shoulder and pulled me close. 

  "In my maid uniform?" I asked. 

  "Do you wanna borrow my clothes?" she chuckled. I quickly shook my head. There is no way I would borrow her clothes. 

"They look like they worth more than my whole being. I prefer not." I nervously chuckled making her give out a whole-hearted laugh. This is the first time I heard Master Byul laugh this loud. She looks so bright when she smiles. 

   "Nonsense , Dior. Everyone is worth more than a fortune. It's our choice whether we treat him or her like one or not." she said. 

"Really? How much do I worth?"

"The universe. " she said as she stared down at me as if looking right through my soul. I smiled and hit her arm playfully. which made her say "Ow!" playfully.

"You're smooth. did you take Flirting Education?" I chuckled. "No, It's just in my genes." she said, proudly. 

Greasy Moon...


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