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Dior's POV
I just stood there, frozen on my spot as I stared at her naked figure dumbly.

"Speak." she commanded impatiently which made me pull back to reality and instantly found words to form out of my mouth as if she cast a spell for me to speak up.

"Uhm..I'm the new maid incharge of you, Milady." I shakily informed as she traveled her eyes up and stared down to my exposed legs. I felt myself melting because of her intense gaze at my figure.

"Tell me... Why did they have you as my personal maid. It looked like I haven't seen you in this palace before." she said suspiciously which made my heart rate go to haywire. It's like she is pointing a gun at me to speak up!

"T-The former maid's contract recently got finished and must've forgot to tell you that." I said but I kind of got a little curious too as to why the previous maid never bid Moon Byul goodbye, I mean they must have created a bond with Master Byul as her personal maid so saying goodbye should be a must.

"Such a shame, I was just getting so much fun with her. But I think you're okay." she smirked mischievously, making me froze.
"What do you mean, Milady?" I asked, slowly having a bad feeling about this.

"So let me make this clear for you. You may call me master, not milady. I don't fancy being called in that feminine title and I hope you respect that. You clean my room daily and maintain it sterile and dust-free. I want you to do as I say because I don't tolerate disobedience. Any business I have with women in my room, I want you to stay out of it unless I ring your bell to get inside. You should be available for me anytime, anywhere because you only work for me. Only me. I honestly don't want being played at but when I discover you do something sh*tty behind my back, you are gonna meet me here and play with me. I basically own you now so turning back isn't an option. Understood?" I immediately shook my head in approval as I found myself shaking in fear of her intense gaze. Her eyes reminded me of a cobra, hard and intense as her aura screamed out 'dominance'.

" Goodgirl. Now escort this girl out of my chamber when she gets dressed and meet me in the bath afterwards." I instantly gulped as I just noticed the naked blond haired maiden who looks to be enjoying her time on Master Byul's bed.

Oh My Lord...

My cheeks instantly felt hot when I realized that there are two naked woman infront of me doing who-knows-what before I came in.

"Get dressed and leave."she commanded the blond haired emotionlessly. " Last night was amazing. Is there any next time?" she giggled but Master Byul clearly didn't look impressed.
" No. Leave now. " she said without thinking twice and took the bathrobe from my hand and went inside her luxurious bathroom.

"She's playing hard to get eh? Give this to your master, peasant. Incase she needs another fun release next time around." she smirked at me as she handed me her calling card. Once she got dressed she left the room with a loud clink of her heels on the marbled floor and the double door slammed close making me jump in surprise.

" Stacey Goo. " I red out loud.

Jeez... The girl has attitude. I shook my head in disapproval and put her calling card on the vanity table and then proceeded to the bathroom as I saw master Byul sitting elegantly on the lounge in her luxurious robe.

"You were taking too long

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"You were taking too long." she said sounding irritated and impatient. "My apologies master but Miss Goo handed me her calling card for you and I put it on your vanity table." I bowed and turned on the faucet to fill in the bathtub.

"You should've thrown it away." she said without a hint of amusement in her voice. "I'm sorry master." I apologized as I balanced the water temperature in the bathtub for her liking.

"Whatever, Now bath me." she said as she took off her bathrobe without hesitation, making me blush seeing her naked body. Her perfect milky hour glassed body. But she looks unbothered being naked infront of me at all. She dipped in the bathtub as I shook my head to remove the thought away and just do my work properly.

I slowly drain the sponge filled with waterover on her head as I gently ran my wet hands down to her shoulder which caused her to close her eyes and relax. She looks so majestic and at the same time innocent.

"Ahhh... So warm." she moaned out making the heat rise up to my cheeks. Why does she sound ho-Stop thinking these things up on your first day, Dior! I mentally pleaded myself as I put shampoo on my hand and lather them to put on her head, gently massaging her scalp.

  " Uhm....." I heard a sound escaped from her lips once more as I rinsed her hair with the portable shower head that was placed beside the tub.

I slowly lathered my hands and sponge with soap and started gently rubbing on her back.

"F*ck." a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist as if stopping me from finishing my work. I quickly look forward at the mirror to see Master Byul and I's reflection. She was breathing heavily as she stared right at me with an emotion I can't comprehend that is clouding in her eyes.

"Sh*t." she whispered lowly as she took the lathered sponge from my hand. "D-Did I hurt you, master?" I asked meekly afraid that I may have dragged the sponge too hard or hurt her with my nails. but she just shooked her head. "I think I should take it from here. You may go out now and prepare my suit." she said avoiding my gaze of her.

"But master-"

"Just do as I say and get out of here, now!" she yelled making me jump in surprise. I quickly bowed to excuse myself and went out of the bathroom. Oh my... Did I just got scolded on my first day? I'm not getting fired, am I?

Moon Byul's POV
I felt my body started to burn, not because of the soap. It felt like I'm burning from the inside!

"You'll know he/she' the one when you feel a burning sensation from the insides of your body the first time he/she touches you. It's the bond of the soulmates awakening your senses." I suddenly remember my mom said when I was still young.

"That girl.. She can't be the one... Is she?" I muttered in disbelief as I rubbed my face with my hand in frustration. The sensation have gotten more hotter and my heartbeat was beating so fast, its like its about to sprint out of my chest and my organs and nerves responded to it. I immediately drained down the warm water and replace it with cold water to reduce the burning sensation of my body.

Minutes later, the pain started to die down as I felt a little relaxed. I was panting so bad and I let my head rest on the edge of the tub as I let a single tear slip from my eye.

I sighed and stared at her back from the other room that can be seen in the reflection through the mirror. 'So the oracle was right. It's a She.'

But, how did she not feel the sensation like I did?

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