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(Art By Charles Deroo)

Dior's POV

     I spent my time serving for Master Byul in her room for few days now and  I must say, it was never the same like the first time I stepped foot in this room. The only time I'm away from her is when I go back to the maids room to sleep or have a quick shower or change into clean clothes and then go back to her room and clean her already polished room. 

   But the thing is I really felt like she's holding back something recently. She would stare at me so intensely and I don't know if it's just me or she would look at me tantalizingly making me so turned on. Her outfit for today really gave off a very unexplainable energy that makes me think 'Ooohhh~ she's so fine!' And it's freaky!

  I was cleaning the shelf with my feather duster when a pair of intense eyes bore unto my back making me look behind me only to find Master Byul staring directly at my back frame with her index finger playing with her lip, which is weird and so h...

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  I was cleaning the shelf with my feather duster when a pair of intense eyes bore unto my back making me look behind me only to find Master Byul staring directly at my back frame with her index finger playing with her lip, which is weird and so hot! 

  "Ehem!" I faked coughed which made her turn back to the documents on the desk infront of her with a smirk plastered on her face for a split second.

   Oh.. My.. God..

  The more I stay inside Master Byul's room, the more I felt this bond that I can't explain. 

  I decided to seat on the loveseat and yawned, stretching my arms up and feeling a little drowsy. "Are you feeling sleepy?" she uttered out of the blue. "I am not. It's okay Master, don't worry about me." I gave her a reassuring smile which caused her to shake her head as if she's not satisfied with my remark. 

   "You can use the bed if you like." she suggested as she she leaned back on her chair. My eyes widen in disbelief. Did she just offer her luxuious comfy bed for me to sleep in?

    "Oh no, Master I-"

  "I insist." she cut me off as she walked towards to me.

 "But Master, It's really not necess-"

"I said I insist." I let out a squeal as she lift me up from my seat into her arms, carrying me bridal style and here she goes again, staring down at me so seriously with those chocolate orbs that I really got lost in. 

       I can smell her sweet yet manly scent from her suit making me want to ravish her so bad. She gently carried me to her bed and gently placed me on the comfiest bed I have ever felt in my entire life. I looked back to her eyes and noticed how it became a darker shade of brown as she leaned in closer to my face making her scent intensified in my nostrils. 

   I saw her adams apple suddenly bobbed while she stared down at my lips as she bit her lower lip . I subconsciously licked my lips because they suddenly felt dry.  

"F*CK." she cursed and grab a fist full of my hair and pulled my head forward, making my lips collide into her's. I instantly felt the spark erupting making my eyes go wide as saucers. I couldn't react right away until she pushed me on the bed  as our lips never break contact.  She started to bite my lip making me gasp and she took the opportunity to slide in her tongue, making me slightly moan.

   Her slender fingers started to roam up on my thigh and played with the underwear band, her hand slowly rubbing the skin repeatedly under the small piece of cloth. 

    My body couldn't resist the temptation and submit unto her. She pinned my arms on the either side of my head and climbed on top of me.  She stared down at me with sexual desire burning in her eyes. Her breathing was rapid as her chest rose up and down in a fast phase.

   Not a second past, her eyes glowed into a bright shade of gold as the dim light made it more obvious. Am I imagining things?

  "M-Master..." I uttered as I felt very surprised at her eye-color and at the same time dazed . Her eyes immediately widen as it turned back into it's original brown color , realizing what were doing. "S-Shit!.. I'm sorry!" she apologized , quickly got off of me and sat on the edge of the bed with her back facing me as she massaged her temples. 

   "W-What?" I asked feeling flustered, realizing what were about to do. "Dior, Can you get out?" she asked monotonely making me confused. "I... I..." no right words can come out of my mouth . 

"JUST GET OUT!" she yelled making me flinch at her outburst. "Go! Get out!" she screamed as she pulled my wrist violently and pushed me out of her room and slammed the door shut. I looked down on my feet and saw my wrist turning red with her hand print marked on the same spot she yanked and looked like it's about to form a bruise. 

Her eyes... How... Did it happen? Or was I just hallucinating?

 Moonbyul's POV

        I covered my face with my hands as I try my best to steady my breathing. I felt a power raging right through me as I touched her. It's as if I couldn't control my body anymore . I layed down on my bed, facing the ceiling. Just close your eyes Byul.. You just need sleep.

  I closed my eyes shut and then what happened awhile ago played in my head like a broken CD player. F*CK!

   I gritted my teeth and gripped my sheets tightly realizing that I am now fully aroused. I don't want to touch Dior in any way because I know I might hurt her if this keeps on. If this continues, the process will be very painful for her. If I have sex with her, It's not just sex! It's a ritual. 

   I know how it goes and how it's done but if it's started, there is no turning back . I don't want to do this just because I don't want her to get hurt. 

 I sighed and looked at the calling card that was placed neatly on my vanity table...

I... I need a release..... And a new personal maid.


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