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    I wiped my sweat as I continue sweeping on the grassy surface under the hot blaring sun. "Oh my dear baby." I stopped on my work and turn behind only to find my lovely mother standing behind me . I didn't waste any time and dropped the broom to approach her into her arms. 

  "I missed you mom." I sighed as I savored every second inside her comforting arms. "You are hard working as always, love. How's the castle so far?" she asked while stroking my head. 

"It's heavenly over here.." too bad the master is the devil herself. I want to say the last phrase but I don't want my mom to worry about me. "Oh yes.. Pleasant, isnt it?" I nodded, biting my tongue from saying anything stupid that might worry my mom. 

"Mom.. Oh my.. How did you get here?!" I asked in disbelief. They don't allow visitors during the night unless there's a ball. "I have my ways... " she smirked and ruffled my hair. 

  "What are you doing here?" I asked . "Well.. I came here to visit you before my surgery. I figured you might get bored around the palace so I brought the ukelele for you. " she smiled and presented me the four-stringed instrument that she owned. We played this together since I was a kid!

 We played this together since I was a kid!

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  "Aww... Mom, you don't have to do that! Thank you so much." I hugged the ukelele close to my chest as she planted a small kiss on my forehead and stared at me, like it's the last time which made my smile fade.  

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, it's just that... You really are a carbon copy of me... From head to toe." I chuckled at her statement. "Of coarse mom, I'm your daughter." I replied. 

"I would love to spend more time with you, my child. But I have to go soon." she announced sadly. I nod my head in agreement. "I understand. I'll visit you when I can." she gave me a weak smile as tears started to fall down her cheeks. 

  "Mom, I know it's been our dream to treat you but don't cry or else I'll cry as well." I scolded her as tears started to sting my eyes. "S-Sorry, it's just that... I'm very grateful for Her Highness, Moon Byul for finding a way to help us, especially you. You are in good hands... away from your father." I gave her a tight smile. 

   "Ohhh... Mom, you were the one who disliked the idea of me leaving to work in a castle." I chuckled. "I wasn't ready for you to leave me but I realized, it is better this way. I don't worry about Her Highness... She was raised very well like how I told them too." she mumbled the last part. 

  "Did you say something mom?"

 "N-No.. Nothing sweety. But promise me... You have to be strong. Both of you could unite our worlds someday. " my brows furrowed at her statement. What did she mean?

  "You are the living proof that I have existed and lived on this earth." my confusion doubled up at what she's saying. "Mom, I'm sorry to say this ... but for the first time, I don't have any idea what you're saying. " I scratched my head  then she let out a soft chuckle. 

"You'll understand in the near future, my dear. Take care love." she hugged me and gave me one last smile. In a blink of an eye, she is nowhere in my sight. I looked around the garden but not a shadow was found. W-Where did she go?!  

   I sighed and decided to continue my work. "Mom, you're really confusing me." I shook my head in disapproval. I finished my work by 10 pm and decided to go to sit on one of the concrete benches that were placed by the fountain. 

   I look around to make sure that no one was around. There should be no one roaming around here at this time of night. I slowly took my ukelele and placed it on my chest. I took a deep breathe and began strumming the 4-stringed instrument. 


    "SOLAR-SSI!!! NOT THE VASE!!" I screamed and immediately ran over to her as she was about to move the newly bought vase that costs more than her lifetime. I pulled the vase back from her grasp and put it back to it's original place. These *ssholes found my secret room and begged me look around my antique collection and promised not to touch anything. I couldn't say no since they used their freakin puppy-eyes, how can I resist that? But looks like these three invaded my condition and touched everything that's shiny and fragile.  

I swear if one of them break or even crack one of my collection , I'm selling these three off for another one. "Whaaaat? I was just trying to see if this weighs more than how it costs." Solar pouted and gave me a cheeky grin, making me sigh in annoyance. 

   "Hwasa, I'm bored. Let's go to Byul's bedroom!" Wheein screamed in excitement and jumped around. Seeing them this hyper inside this room increased my likelihood of having a heart attack. "Yes! Go! Go to my room now!" I encouraged them and the three immediately went out of the room to trash my bedroom. 

  I let out a deep sigh and massaged my temples. Don't get me wrong, I love these three and would usually be the first to start trouble but knowing that Dior is walking around the palace gives me anxiety that these guys wouldn't leave her alone. Jeez... Why do you care for her Byul? Let them mess with her!

  But... Why am i feeling so modest and wanted Dior to see me as a responsible woman? AAAARGHH!!! STOP!! This is no good if you think like that Byul! Just stop! 

   I took a deep breath to calm myself and decided to be on my way to my room to where Hwasa , Solar and Wheein are. I swung the door open only to find out that everything is neatly in place and not even a soul is found in this room.  Then I heard a faint melody being played from a distance. I couldn't get a hold of myself and have the urge to follow the tune came from.

What... What was that?


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