Chapter 31🎥

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The rest of the cast and crew had decided to find out where Charli, Will and Y/N were. They found them outside, Y/N's arms folded and scowling at the other two, who seemed very guilty. Charli looked at Will and gestured for him to speak first.

From what Y/N had overheard, she didn't think that she could trust either of them. She figured they had some sort of plan to get them into trouble. Was it jealousy? Part of her felt accomplished as she kind of always suspected Charli was involved somehow and that she'd proved Noah wrong. But the other part of her felt stupid since she'd defended Will in front of Noah. So she'd both won and lost, in a sense.

Will looked around at the cast and crew, a shiver running down his spine at the look of disappointment on their faces. He just hoped they wouldn't still be mad once they'd heard the entire story. But part of him doubted he'd even be able to get the story out, since he wasn't the greatest at talking in front of people.

"I uhm.." he started, pausing to think about what to say and how to explain himself, "Well first of all, I'm really sorry this happened.. I didn't think this would happen- the article.."

Y/N waved her hand a little, trying to get him to hurry up. She'd lost patience, if she was being honest.

"I was out eating at this restaurant, with my friend- I was uh, kinda mad about Noah and Y/N hanging out together so much and I was ranting to him about it.." Will continued, eyes on the ground as he nervously played with the hem of his shirt. "Turns out I hadn't realised Kanami was on the other table, listening.."

Y/N sighed and let the information sink in. So, he hadn't sold her out- technically? But it was still kind of his fault that the article had been made. And him ranting had probably been recorded on tape so Kanami knew he had some level of evidence to back-up his accusations. Well this was great, she'd trusted Will. It wasn't so much the fact that he'd accidentally sold her out, it was the fact he knew he was at fault and hadn't told anyone. It made Y/N wonder whether or not he'd ever have told her if she hadn't have found out by mistake. 

If Y/N was being honest, she really just wanted someone to take her frustration out on and seeing as she couldn't truly be mad at Will- she hoped that Charli would give a good enough reason to be mad at. 

"Well, that was careless of you- but I think you already know that now." Andy responded to Will's confession. Y/N looked over at Charli and waved her hand a little, waiting to hear about what she had done as well.

"Well, it was that time we all went bowling together. I'd gone outside to get some fresh air and Kanami just showed up and started asking about if there was any drama on set.."

Y/N squinted a little, "So you told him- what? That Noah had been touching people up and flirting with every girl he saw?" Y/N asked. She really just wanted to go back to her hotel room and eat poptarts, this was just too much stress for her.

Charli's eyes widened and she shook her head, "What? No! No, of course not. I was talking about how Noah always hugged people, even when they didn't really want him to."

Y/N heard the cast and crew start to chuckle at her answer. Y/N initially found the idea stupid and totally unbelievable but then she thought about it. Yep, that definitely seemed like something Jim Kanami could blow out of proportion.

"Damn it, I knew my hugs would come back and bite me in the ass." Noah sighed and shook his head. 

Andy coughed and looked at Charli, still not quite ready to drop the interrogation, "Right, so you still talked to Kanami even though I told you not to? I told all of you on the first evening here, to never ever speak to that horrible man."

Charli hung her head in shame and nodded, "Yeah, I know. I was just worried that he'd think I was rude and write and article about me if I ignored him. I really did think that me telling him about Noah's hugs was harmless. I'm really sorry."

Y/N looked at Andy who nodded and shrugged a little. Y/N really wanted to be able to be mad at one of them, or even both, she really wanted to be able to blame someone for her potentially ruined career. But she came to realise that the only person she could blame was Kanami, that twisted old man. 

Y/N smiled at them both and shrugged, "Okay, I guess I'm not totally mad at you guys." She told them, and how could she be? They were both her friends, she'd had great times with them and they didn't give information away in exchange for money or anything. 

Noah nodded and smiled too, "Yeah, me neither. But if you guys don't want hugs then you should tell me, okay?" Noah announced to the entire cast and crew. They laughed and before Y/N could announce her next sentence, she was wrapped in a hug from about 75 people. The entire cast and crew hugged it out. It was slightly cliche, and slightly cringe but she didn't mind. Y/N enjoyed the hug and filming the last scene of the day because after that- there wood be just one thing on her mind.

Taking down Kanami.


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