Chapter 4: Her First Day, Part 2

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"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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The day passed by like a blur. So far, Annie only knew Ashton and Calum. Actually, she had friends before, until that faithful day that change her life. Currently, she didn't bother to make friends in her other classes. Of course the thought of having friends in college is better, but the fear of trusting again still lingered in her mind, so she decided that she would not make friends or even to talk to others in her classes, although tomorrow she presumed that Ashton and Calum would still bother her considering their lively personalities. She decided to set that out for today though.

The bell signalled end of her last class which is Asian Studies. She immediately packed her things as she wanted to drop by her favorite coffee shop today. She was feeling irritated because she was feeling the curious glances of her classmates during class, especially the ones of the opposite gender. She can't even count how many times she sighed and glared at those boys.

Even when she was dashing in the hallway she was being stared at. You can't blame the boys though. The way her long brown hair was swaying with the air and how her hazel eyes were glistening as she was passing the hallway definitely held captivation. She was beautiful; there was no doubt about that.

With another sigh, she decided to stop by her locker first to store her books since it was getting heavier by the moment. She put the code to her locker hastily and put her books inside, leaving her Asian Studies book and finally deciding to put it inside her bag since she needs to study more in this subject. It was one of her major subjects after all. After placing the book neatly in the bag and checking if her books were arranged, she closed her locker, only to be startled as a big, goofy happy virus was standing next to her, at the right side of her locker.

"What the hell?! You doofus!" Annie shrieked, and at the same time, punched her brother lightly on his arm.

"Watch your language, young lady." Both siblings rolled their eyes; for different reasons, of course. "Anyway, what are you running for? Aren't your classes already finished?" Mike asked, looking at her sister's eyes as he tried to read her emotions.

"Yeah, but I was planning to drop by the coffee shop right now before going home at and these people," she paused while pointing to the boys scattered near the lockers who were obviously staring at them, "are so irritating. They keep staring. It's making me stressed. That's why I want my coffee." She scoffed, before folding her arms to her chest.

Mike averted his eyes at those boys and glared intensely, almost boring holes in their heads. The boys were easy to pick up and immediately diverted their gazes to something else while some pretended to be doing something else. They didn't want a fight with the girl's brother as they didn't want to go on his bad side. At the same time, they were scared at how intense Mike's glare was. That's a bit understandable coming from the over-protective brother though.

"Tch. Those bastards. If they bother you again just call me and I'll beat up those asses. They just stare because you're too beautiful and you look like your super duper handsome brother." Annie rolled her eyes at her brother.

Mike added, "Anyway, I'll be late tonight. Don't wait for me and sleep early. Lock the doors of the apartment all right? Don't forget to call mom and dad. We haven't called them yet for three days. They're surely worried and curious of our first day at uni. Oh, and I'll be out with the guys tonight. You can come if you want so you can finally meet the guys."

Annie rolled her eyes for the nth time today, "You know my answer, and its neither a yes or a no It's actually 'Never!' " Annie tsked and glared, "Do what you want. I'll get going now." She waved to her brother dismissively, as if he was a bug that she wanted to get away from, and slung her bag to her shoulders.

"You know you can't hide yourself from everyone forever right? Forget about that K guy or whoever it is. Learn to move on. Trust me when I say this but not all people are like that bastard," her brother told her softly, with her back facing him. Annie stopped walking in mid-step, her body somehow freezing as she listened to her brother's words.

"You don't understand. I--" She paused for a second before scurring off towards the exit, wanting nothing but to get away from Mike -- from the interrogation.

Mike sighed as he remembered the countless times he saw her sister cry a river at home in the past.

"Don't worry, Annie. I'll definitely do everything to break that ice. I want my old sister back." he growled inwardly, "That K bastard better watch his back. I'll beat him to a pulp when I discover who he is."

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Author's Note:

Just to clear things up: Mike does not know anything about that K dude. He doesn't know anything about her past either. All he knew was the times where Annie would lock herself up and cry, which triggered his overprotectiveness. Wouldn't anyone want a brother like that, though? ^^

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