Chapter 5: Her Hobby

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  • Dedicated to To vanillacappuccino, my first commentor

"The word that I constantly hear out of women is 'fear.' It's almost like a background melody. Women have excellent degrees and experience, but we are afraid we aren't good enough because we have such high expectations." - Mireille Guiliano

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After buying coffee, Annie immediately went to her shared apartment with her brother. The apartment was big enough for the both of them. It contained four rooms, to which two rooms were only used for each of them. She went inside her the apartment and locked the door behind her, just as Mike instructed. Annie then went in and walked straight to the kitchen to dispose of the coffee's contained that she had drunk from before, then disappeared to her room afterwards.

Her room was neat and clean, to say the least. Her walls were painted light brown, almost like gold. There was a study-desk, a queen-sized bed, a window, a glass door for the balcony and another door at the corner of the room for her walk-in closet. Some pictures that Annie took was pinned at one side of the wall in her room. It was full of pictures that Annie took once in a while.

Yes, she sure liked taking pictures. Somehow, after that ìncident, taking pictures from different places became her hobby.

After placing her bag at the study table, opening it and neatly placing her books and notebooks she will be studying about later on, she went to her walk-in closet to change her clothes. She wore a navy blue shirt matched with a black high-low skirt. She then tied her long brown hair in a messy bun. One may say that the clothes she wore were simple but it did matched well with her skintone making her more stunning.

After dressing, she headed to her books and studied her lessons for about an hour.

After five more minutes of idling as she checked her accomplishment, she then decided that she was done for the day. She looked at the wall clock near her and saw that it was already five in the evening, so she decided to take a brief visit outside.

'Might as well cook some dinner for myself since the happy virus is gone,' she glumly thought.

She headed to the kitchen and debated whether to cook or not. She finally decided to just buy food outside after going to the park. Then after she headed to her room, took her Canon EOS 7D Mark II camera and headed at the park near their apartment building. She decided that since it would be boring inside the apartment, she might as well go out and take some pictures.

It was 5:15p.m when she arrived at the park. She observed her surroundings. There were a few kids running between the trees playing hide and seek. Some of them were with their families and eating in their mini picnics. There were some who were came with their dogs running around the grass with their leashes. There were also high school students hanging around at the park. Most of the boys were eyeing Annie who just ignored them. She diverted her attention to the view and immediately felt warm since it was a good sight. She took pictures of it in different angles and checked the captures, feeling satisfied. After taking pictures, she finally settled on the swing about seven meters away.

She slowly swinged with feet dangled in the air as she wobbled back and forth gently. She ought to be careful since she was wearing a skirt and also minding the boys who were still pointing and eyeing her.

After settling for the swing for about thirty minutes and thinking about the random stuff, she realized that sunset was over and decided to come home before it gets too dark. At the same time she stood up, five boys, whom she recognized were staring at her a while ago, were already surrounding her.

"Hey there, cutie. Wanna play with us?" One of the boys asked while lighting a cigarette, making a puff of air which Annie thought was disgusting. The boy looked like he was still in high school from Annie's perspective, yet he had four different piercings all over his face. He would've been cute -- at the very least -- for Annie's eyes if it weren't for those piercings.

The other four boys, on the other hand, couldn't help but snicker as they looked at Annie's disgusted face. Two of them were eyeing her with lust fixated on their eyes. The other two looked like they were just out there hanging with the others for fun.

'What is up with this generation?!' Annie thought, frustrated, as she couldn't help but wonder how they weren't any different from the boys on her college. Heck, they even looked like high school students. How worse could it be for someone who are actually older than them?

Annie though, did not answer his question and just stood there rooted to the ground looking neither scared nor intimidated. She was looking at them with her pokerface, with no emotions void whatsoever.

Annie attempted to pass through them but before successfully doing so, she was grabbed by her arm and pushed back at the center with the boys surrounding her, but was closer this time. Annie was now death glaring at the boys. She knew how to fight. She just didn't want to hurt people especially those who were clearly younger than her. Believe it on not, she's got a soft spot for young ones. She though otherwise as she examined each and every boy though. By now, they all had malicious expressions on their faces, but that didn't creep her out. Instead, she didn't hesitate but flash her disgust towards the boys, but not before glaring at them afterwards.

"Wow, Ronald! I think we're getting a nice catch today. I think I like this one. She's fiesty." The boy who was named Ronald stepped closer and was about to touch Annie's arm when a hand stopped him from doing so, all doing it with only one hand.

"What the hell?!" Ronald exclaimed, flinching from the tight grip that the sudden visitor gave him. The veins from his hand was slowly showing off, looking quite a bit awkward from how his arm was not positioned as the sudden visitor twisted it.

The boy-slash-hero took the cigarette from Ronald's mouth with his free hand, threw it on the ground and stepped on it, still keeping the twist on Ronald's arm. "You know, a high school student like you shouldn't be taking cigarettes as well as hitting on girls. How disgusting," the 'boy' twisted Ronald's arm forcingly and exclaimed, "Scram!"

Then, the boys ran away for their lives. The boy-slash-hero dusted his arms and faced the girl he saved with a "Hey--," only to find that she was gone and that he was the only one at the park.

"Where did she go?" He asked himself, looking lost and confused as he glanced from side to side, looking everywhere for the girl he saved.

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Author's Note:

Another update on the way! Sorry if this one took a long time. I got a bit dizzy -- I don't know why, but I still am -- so this one was kind of delayed. I'm thinking of posting another three chapters before I call it a day. Again, please vote and comment! Tell me if you're disappointed with the story or something. T_T Gosh I sound like I'm begging; maybe I am though.

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