Chapter 3: Her First Day. Part 1

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"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Annie arrived at 7:10, ten minutes late. She was particularly showering her brother with curse words on her head. Though she didn't have the guts to curse him out loud, she was doing it mentally. She didn't want to be late. Heck, she never wanted to in the first place.

She was one of the typical studious persons that you can find in schools of universities. She's not one you could group with nerds though, apperance-wise. Annie dresses herself elegantly, as a matter of fact. She had a mind-set of making sure that she looked presentable at all time. She wasn't girly, nor the typical cheerleader-type of person. She was just a normal girl, though she wasn't that normal either. She was smart, but not that smart.

Her studies mattered to her, though, as she knew for herself that she must get high grades in order to get a good job in the future. All university or high school students should know that, she believes, as everything that a person does, listens, and learns on school would be very beneficial for his/her future career. Bottomline is... she believes that a student should learn to be responsible, which she thought that most students -- especially in this generation -- had failed to realize.

It was a good thing her professor hasn't arrived yet. Her run was definitely worth the shot. She stopped cursing her brother mentally and decided to lay that off for later. She scanned the room for an empty seat and did not fail to notice a couple occupying the back seats at the right side of the room. They were sucking each others' mouths -- literally.

A lot of emotions passed through Annie's eyes, although unnoticable by her most people. If you look closely, Annie's eyes were filled with pain, anger,  disgust and disappointment. You could've also caught her staring at the boy, in particular, who looked like he was utterly enjoying his make-out session as his hands were implanted on the girl's butt, squeezing them slightly, earning a loud moan from the girl. Shame didn't even seem to register in their consience for that sound. After a couple of seconds, she seemed to wake up from her trance as she went at the middle seat of the room, which seemed to be the best choice among the available seats at the moment. She couldn't remove the picture of the couple from her head though

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" A voice from her right side suddently came. Annie looked to her right only to find a boy with dark, brown hair and slightly pointy chin. He was cute in her opinion, but he wasn't her type. His hair was slightly tousled, making it a bit messy yet cute at the same time. He wore a round-neck shirt and blue, fit jeans. His wide, curious eyes didn't go unnoticed as well.

The boy waiter for her reply; however, Annie ignored him and went back to stare at her desk with a pokerface expression, but she was actually studying him quietly, assessing if he was one of the typical jocks in school as he looked like one from Annie's perspective.. She could've swore she saw him before but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Is she ok?" Annie then took a glimpse at the boy sitting at the right side of boy number one. In her opinion, he looked like he was Asian, but then again, she might be wrong. He had black hair that was swiped upwards, and a relatively big nose -- but not that big. He looked young though. "Hi there, pretty. My name is Calum, Calum Hood, and that troll to your right is Ashton. Don't worry, the first time I met him I thought trolls were extinct as well. Well, apparently not," the boy laughed ignoring the Ashton's protests.

"Shut your trap, Calum," Ashton glared at Calum and immediately plastered a warming and welcoming smile on his face as he faced Annie, "Hi there. My name is Ashton Irwin. You can call me Ash if you want, but that sounds a bit too girly, so let's just settle with Ashton. Calum and I are both taking music courses. What about you?" Ashton finished, before clearing his throat again as he forgot to ask for a handshake, "Oh, and by the way; nice to meet you," he said, before finally offering his hand.

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