Chapter 30: Her Judgment

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"It's always difficult to say goodbye, especially when one has spent a long time - literally years, in the case of a series - inside a character or two, suffering and celebrating with them." - Lilith Saintcrow

A/N:This is the second to the last chapter. I'll post the last chapter later since I'm still revising it. This story will soon come to its end, so please tell me what you guys think the ending will be. Maybe... just maybe... you could enlighten me to alter what I have in mind, though I highly doubt it. Anyway, here is is! I hope you enjoy this one. ^^

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Annie wiped her tear-stricken eyes as she swung herself slowly from the park's swing. She came back again, more exactly, she kept on coming back since the day she returned to London. One can't blame her though. She really missed everything and everyone that she left behind, though she was happy at the same time, too. She had also achieved something in her life, which was to become a model, though she never really intended to become one in the first place. 

Sighing, she hastily wiped her remaining tears and breathed heavily. She couldn't help but wonder how a lot of things moved on. Well, more like everyone moved on. The boys had mature jobs, Kaiden and Brittany were officially back together, much to Annie's surprise, and well, her family and Mike had been living happily so far. Her mind suddenly to Luke.

'How is he? What could he be doing right now?' She thought, 'Is it possible that he's still mad at me?'

She couldn't help but wonder and ask herself these questions. She left him after all, so it's basically her fault that these things happened, not that she's complaining. She actually thought that everything that had been happening and has happened in the past had been good so far, except her life. Yes, she had become a model, and yes, she enjoyed being one, but she had been feeling like there's a bit part of her missing, which she had been feeling from the very first step that she took when she turned her back from her home country.

A figure, on the other hand, had gently sat on the bench that he sat on a few days ago. Like what he had been doing on the past few days as well, he stared at the young female who was staring at nothing in particular and was sitting on one of the swings.

With a final sigh, she slowly stood up and was about to head back home when she noticed a man staring at her from a fair distance. She couldn't help but recognize him since he was the man that she had always seen sitting on the same bench all the time. Curiosity killed the cat, so she decided to confront the man. More or less, the fact that he was always sitting there and that Annie had caught him staring at her from time to time creeped her out. Who wouldn't be? She didn't know him, yet he keeps on staring. Wouldn't one be creeped out by that?

"Excuse me, mister," Annie started as soon as she reached the man. She made sure that she didn't sound harsh or rude, though she kept a slight tenacity in her voice to hint the man that she was slightly pissed off. She continued, "Do I know you. Or do you perhaps know me? I just couldn't help but notice how you kept on staring at me. In fact, you have been doing that for the past few days." She paused all of a sudden, her eyes widening in height as if realization had finally struck her, "Have you... perhaps... seen me on some Japanese magazines, perhaps?"

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the man, scrutinizing him. Well, she was more like narrowing her eyes at his cap. She couldn't see any fragment of his face whatsoever as one, it was dark outside. It was seven o'clock in the evening. Two, he was wearing all black, which was really creepy, to be honest, and he had his hood on. Three, he was wearing a cap on his head, and that cap had successfully covered his entire face as it was clear that the man was facing downwards, as if he had dozen off, yet Annie knew that he wasn't. She actually knows that he was just trying to conceal himself.

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