Chapter 27: Her Confusion

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"You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. ​You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens." - Kirsten Dunst

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It's been three days since Kaiden and Annie finally reconciled. Regardless of that fact, the two of them were still awkward towards each other, but nonetheless, they were both trying. The day after their confrontation, the two of them resumed their review meetings after classes at the library. The first thirty minutes were full of awkward silence. Annie fought hard to focus on the books that she had brought, but failed, so she decided to make the first move as the latter didn't look like he had any plans on doing so. Annie was the one who initiated the first talk. A few minutes later, they were both laughing on their butts at weird nothings. Nevertheless, the two of them felt like a part of them has finally returned; that they were finally happy again.

Alas, the competition has finally arrived. The competitions will be held at the largest audio-visual room of the university, which will start in a couple of minutes. The other competitions are held at a specific time, and Kaiden and Annie's Chinese competition was the last event, which makes them even more anxious as one couldn't help but feel like they were the main event. Sweet, right?

'Confidence is the key! You can do it, Annie!'

Annie reminded herself while taking time to look around. She spotted Harry and the other boys who were all seated at the middle row and managed to smile at them. She nudged the tower standing beside her and pointed at Harry and the boys. Annie smiled at them again with Kaiden waving awkwardly. 

Annie managed to talk to Harry and tell him the events that had taken place the other day. Harry's expression was priceless, needless to say. He was scared, yet happy, but at the same time, sad. Even so, his happiness was the most evident as his two friends were finally back to being friends. The other boys didn't take it well though. Some of them were nonchalant and acted as it they knew that they were bound to be back to being friends. A few of them were scared of what the 'big brother' would have to say, as well as the possibility of having another round of fight between Kaiden and the big brother, Mike.

Apparently, Mike took it the other way and simply accepted the situation, much to Annie's pleasure. On the other hand, there were still some that have doubted the reconciliation, especially since Luke hadn't known of the situation, still.

Kaiden and Annie walked towards them seeing that they still have a few minutes to spare before the competition takes place. There was a classical music playing in the background as some of the school's staff have been arranging the stage and MC's of the said event were talking in the corner, probably practicing or something. The set-up kind of reminded Annie of some competition you'd see on television.

"Yo," Annie lightly punched and greeted Harry while the latter playfully flinched as if that 'punch' had hurt him. "Hi, guys," she greeted the other boys. She lightly nodded at her brother who was seated next to Calum at the end of the row. He nodded back, though he had a poker-faced expression at the moment.

"You two nervous?" Ashton asked. He's one of those who were fine with the situation. "Not really. We've got a native speaker here, for your information," Annie stuck her tongue out whilst Ashton did the same.

On the other hand, Kaiden was gazing softly at Annie. He was a bit surprised with her actions as he didn't expect her to be 'that' close to the boys. He thought that the apparent 'ice princess' was cold to everyone. It turns out that he was wrong, and he couldn't help but feel sad yet happy at the same time. After all, he was the reason why her exterior changed.

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