Chapter 21: Her Decision

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"It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” ― Nicholas Sparks

*** *** ***

The boy kept a firm grip on Annie's wrist, seemingly not wanting to let go of her wrist. Annie didn't mind the skinship though since she was close with him before. The two of them decided to go to the nearby cafe instead of eating in a restaurant since the both of them were not in the mood to eat. Annie was indeed hungry, as the other boys didn't even remember to eat dinner before dragging her to the arcade, but she was craving for something bitter, but sweet at the same time. Coffee. Yes, that's the only material thing that calms her heart whenever she has problems.

They entered the cafe, and usual bittersweet scent of coffee filled their noses. The boy told her to sit on a table as he orders their drinks. She nodded and chose to sit on the table beside the glass window. Most of the walls were replaced by windows, letting the customers see the view outside the cafe. She plugged her earphones as she listened to Ed Sheeran's song being played.

How she loved that song. She's not exactly a fan, but she grew fond of the said artist. She admired the meanings behind each songs the singer composed. She admired how their music videos hold so much symbolism. Most of his songs reflect how people grieve and how they move on or choose what path they'll take after a certain loss. She can somewhat relate herself, remembering how many times she grieved when Kaiden bullied and left her for Brittany. They were supposed to be best of friends, but he abandoned her like a used doll, replacing it with a new one.

Something was bothering her though. When Kaiden and Brittany were arguing at the cafe, the latter mentioned something about a 'deal.'

What could it be? It is possible that it is connected to Annie, right? Does it have something to do with Kaiden bullying her? But he clearly looked like he loved Brittany with all his heart, considering how he abandoned his friend just to be with his love.

She sighed. Too many problems have come.

They said that when you don't know where to start, just go to a place you miss so much. There is a place in her mind, Starbucks. How she wished she could go to that cafe where she and Kaiden first met. It was then when she first liked coffee. It was where she knew so much about Kaiden. How she wished she could relieve those happy memories with her ex-best friend. But what can she do? She could do nothing but move on. She already threw away the thought of talking to Kaiden anyway, since she had a feeling that there will be drama soon as he broke up with Brittany, and she doesn't want drama.

Her thoughts were broken when she felt a finger poke her sensitive waist. She gasped and let out a small squeal, before glaring at the culprit. The boy held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

She rolled her eyes at him and removed her earphones.

"I ordered 2 slices of chocolate cake by the way. I know you love chocolate. Oh and 2 cups of caramel macchiato," he said. She smiled gratefully. Yup. She likes, no scratch that, she loves chocolate... even more than Kaiden.

She started getting giddy at the thought of chocolate and coffee.

Moments later, their treat arrived, and Annie immediately dived for the slice of cake. She hummed as the chocolate treat flowed in her mouth. She was smiling so brightly that no one would've thought her nickname was the ice princess. The boy chuckled seeing her act like a kid who received a candy. She tried to ease herself, preventing her from looking like a fool in front of the boy, "Err... So what do you want to talk about?"

He fiddled with his fingers, "Well... I just want to say sorry... for avoiding you... I just thought that it’ll be awkward after my confession... And I know you still like him so.... I'll b-back off." It seems like he said the last words unwillingly.

Annie smiled softly, "You know what... I learned something."

"W-what is it?" he stuttered. He started feeling nervous. She didn't answer him directly, that means he's not completely rejected right?

He mentally slapped himself, 'Stupid Luke. Stop assuming things!'

"“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.”  She told him, staring at her coffee as she talked, "I've grieved for 2 years because of him. I isolated myself from people because of him. But what did I get? Change."

"And I'm not proud of it. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on." She looked up at him, her eyes gleaming with something Luke can't decipher, "You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life and focus on the people who makes me happy."

"I-I d-don't get it," he stuttered. He was really not getting what she was saying.

Her lips curved in amusement, "All I'm saying is I'm choosing to move on. It might be late, but still I'll choose this path and focus on the people who makes me happy. And you, Luke, or should I say Lukey, is one of those people. That's why I'm giving you a chance."

His eyes widened. It looks like it was about to pop off his sockets, "C-Chance?!"

She nodded shyly, "Yeah. A chance to show me how much you e-er like me. Only if you promise me you won't leave me like what Kaiden did to me."

He stood up and hugged her, "Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you! You don't know how happy I am right now. Thanks, Annie. I promise I won't like you like that bastard." He said and hugged her tightly.

She smiled awkwardly as he pulled away.

"You still have to talk to Mike though. Can you it? I mean he can punch you again..." she trailed, almost taunting him.

He laughed nervously, "Speaking of Mike, I have to tell him that you're with me. Excuse me for a second. I wouldn't want you to hear me argue with your brother." He pecked her cheek fast and went on the side of the cafe. She blushed. Skinship will forever be new to her.

She looked out the window and saw a silhouette of a tall man. He was standing across the street, his hoodie hiding his face. Annie felt like she knew who he was. She stared back and after a few seconds of staring, the said man turned his back and walked away. He had the same body structure as Kaiden – tall, lean and a little skinny. She shook her thoughts off. It's impossible that it was Kaiden... but then again, nothing's impossible in this world.

One question stood on her mind though.

She asked herself, 'Did I make the right decision?'

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