Chapter 19: Her Glare

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"Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives." - William Throsby Bridges

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A week has passed and Luke and Annie were still avoiding each other. Luke was obviously avoiding her, while Annie on the other hand, was just going with the flow since she doesn't know how to handle situations like this. In conclusion, they were both avoiding each other. Their actions were noticed by the rest of boys though. They were confused, especially Mike but the said boy was relieved at the same time. He thought that the two avoiding each other was better than them having a relationship.

Finals were approaching, and soon enough, Annie and the rest of the boys from English class will not be seeing each other next semester since they will be having different core courses. Annie, Calum, Ashton and Harry were eating at the cafeteria since it was lunch time. "I can't believe the end of semester is near." Ashton said while poking his food with the fork.

"Yeah, me either. Time sure flies by fast." Calum commented.

"Pssh. At least you guys will still be together. Annie would be alone." Harry retorted while munching his sandwich. Annie rolled her eyes.

Ashton and Calum snickered, "I forgot the ice princess doesn't have any other friends that us." Calum said while snickering.

She glared at him, "Shut up you piece of meat." Calum pouted, "I'm used to being alone anyway. Besides, I won't alone. I still have Clara, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Hahaha,” he paused, sarcastically laughing, “I forgot. Anyway, some of the guys are hanging out at the arcade after school. Want to come?" Ashton offered.

She eyed him then in return. "Is Luke going to be there?" She asked warily, her voice curious yet guarded.

"Er, I don't think so." Calum replied too fast. She knew better though.

"Come on, Annie. Just come with us, alright? We rarely hang out these days ever since the finals started approaching. Come with us, please?" Harry offered -- more like pleaded, assuring her as he flashed his infamous puppy dog eyes which made him look like a poodle with his curls.

She sighed in defeat, "Fine. Does my brother know about this?"

"Nope. Don't worry. We'll just tell him we'll hang out later." Calum said.

"Fine,” she agreed, not wanting to argue any longer. Annie glanced at her wristwatch and saw that there were still thirty agonizing minutes before the bell rang. "Hey, I'm going to go get some coffee. I forgot to have some this morning," she announced, standing up.

"You want me to come with you?" Harry offered, and was about to stand up from his seat when Annie disagreed.

"No thanks, curly tops. I'm not a child anymore. I can go by myself," she glared at him.

The curly haired boy, also known as panda and the troll were snickering at the side, "She calls you panda?" Harry just rolled his eyes. It was true though. For unknown reasons, Harry alwayd had bags under his eyes. Annie, at some point, even figured that he wad watching porn every night, hence his dark eyebags. Boys will be boys.

Annie smiled at the sight. It was sure nice to have some friends. She waved goodbye and headed out the campus to her favorite cafe, Starbucks. The bittersweet scent of coffee filled her nose as she entered the shop. She can't help but smile as she missed this cafe. She haven't had coffee since last week, when she and Luke started avoiding each other. She went to the counter to order.

"Oh. Hi! It's been a week since I last saw you visit here," the counter-boy greeted her, "The usual?" Annie didn't fail to notice the blush on the boy’s face when he spoke to her.

"I'll take the usual." Annie responded.

"Okay! Latte Macchiato coming right up!" He said enthusiastically – a little too enthusiastically for her liking. She was about to pay when the boy stopped her, "It's okay, miss. This one's on the house." the boy said with a wink while placing her coffee in front of her.

"Is he flirting with me? Pssh. And here I thought he was shy when he blushed a while ago. Boys."

Annie put the money on the counter nonetheless and took her latte. She looked at the boy with her pokerface on and went to seat on her usual table.

"Boys will be boys." she mentally rolled her eyes.

She was about to sit at her usual table when she realized that it was already occupied. It was Kaiden and Brittany, and they were talking. Unknowingly, Annie's heart beat faster at the sight of Kaiden, but it immediately shattered as she remembered that he's already taken.

"Why am I still even thinking of him?" she thought. Memories from the past came flashing back to her mind, "Right. I should be angry with him. But why do I seem... jealous?" she glance one more time, "K..."

She sighed. Kaiden was really confusing her. She remembered planning to confront him finally about the issue but now she was doubting if that was a good idea or not. Annie took a seat at the table far away from them, making sure the couple won't notice her. She observed them while sipping her latter. They seemed to talk seriously? Usually, when she sees them, they'd be all over each other sucking each other's faces. The sight was just new to her now.

Suddenly, Brittany yelled causing people from the cafe to look their way.

"You can't do this to me! I love you!" She screamed.

Kaiden just stood up and walked away. He was about to exit the door when Brittany grabbed his arm and turned him around. The next thing she did shocked Annie and the rest of the customers. She slapped Kaiden. "You bastard! I did everything. I even made you famous and this is what you repay me? You're dumping me since you've already got what you wanted? Have you forgotten our deal?" she began hitting his chest multiple times but he didn't seem unfazed.

"Deal? What deal?" Annie thought.

Kaiden seemed to be irritated as he grabbed Brittany's hands that were hitting him and looked straight at her eyes, "We're over." He removed her hands from his hold then glanced at Annie's table. They stared for a while until Kaiden sighed and turned around. With that, he finally exited the cafe.

Brittany just stood there while crying as the crowd was still staring at her. She seemed to be uncomfortable from the stares she was receiving. She looked at the people and when her watery eyes landed on Annie's table, she stared for a second, then glared. Annie's eyes were still wide at that moment but she didn't back down as she glared back.

Brittany huffed and wiped her tears then finally exited the cafe. The crowd went back to whatever they were doing while some were still whispering.

Annie sighed and finished her latte.

"Seems like more drama's coming."

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