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❝ 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘰𝘫𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘮. ❞

Xisuma gasped as the blade pierced through his back, the pain ever burning. Although he wouldn't die in the land of dreams, this... simulated pain was still close enough to the real thing.

He breathed out shakily as he felt a wave of tiredness overcome him, but he fought to stake awake- He couldn't close his eyes, not when the white eyed beast was right there.

"Don't take this personal admin, but I need a physical form in this world, and I can't have you interfering with my game." He sneered, his glowing eyes shining onto the smooth purple tinted glass.

"You won't get away with this, they'll stop you-" The man in green armor snapped back at him, holding onto the last bit of hope and desperation he had. He wasn't going to let Herobrine win, he had to protect his hermits. He had to protect Grian from him.

"I've already gotten away with it, all that needs to happen now is for your little watcher friend to give in. Although, maybe I can play with him a bit before that." He chuckled softly, before grabbing Xisuma by his helmet.

He slammed the man's head into the ground, dirt colliding with the admin's visor. X groaned softly in pain, as he was powerless in this realm and Herobrine knew that.

"Grian needs to willingly let you in, doesn't he?! Well- He's stronger than you think, he won't give in just like that- He'll- He can stop you-!" Xisuma growled, trying to get up. However, the white eyed devil pushed him to the ground and stomped on his back. The were a soft cracking sound, as the admin- he... couldn't feel his back. Everything ached and burned so much.

Xisuna let out a soft cry in pain, as the figure towering over him simply tilted his head before giving X an eerie smile. "Oh, I'll make him give in, but unfortunately you won't be there to see dearest admin. Tell me, how do you feel about spectator mode?"

The admin's eyes widened, as Herobrine's blade turned into a sharp spike of white energy that he thrusted down. It went straight through his heart, as the energy sizzled through him. Sending himself right out of his body, as Xisuma glanced around.

The admin found himself floating in his base, next to his bed where he watched his body lay. He tried to interact with himself, but his hands simply went right through. The man sighed as he knew no one would be able to see him, and he wouldn't be able to interact with anything.

A few days had passed, and that was when the hermits found that the difficulty had switched to hardcore to everyone's dismay. Everything they tried, it didn't change back. Of course they also found that Xisuma had been put into some sort of coma- He was breathing and sleeping just fine, but they tried everything to awake him to no avail.

Everyone helped each other out and made sure to avoid any dangers. Any trap that could kill was further disabled, and the hermits tried to stick together in this situation. Well, all except for Grian whom kept himself locked up in his tower.

Grian sat in his large white base, pulling out his phone and scrolling through his contacts. He clicked on Taurtis' contact, only to see a message that stated,

(ON HOLD)The Devil's Game | HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now