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Loki's POV

I stare at Peter, my mouth slightly agape, waiting for him to say 'HA! I got you! This new technology I designed...' But he doesn't. He just looks down. "I didn't think you'd want me... because everyone leaves me. Always" I'm still in shock, but I manage to ask him the few words "Child, how old are you?" "Sixteen" he replies, miserably. All the memories come rushing back. The beautiful girl, maybe 21. I fell in love with her, and of course, after I left her to go back to Asgard, briefly, and when I came back, she was gone. I told myself I would have had to move on, anyway. She would die long before me. Yet, here we are, a reminder of her. I almost cry, I'm so happy. I may not love her anymore, but her son... "Pyotr..." I say. That was what she was going to name her child if she ever had one, but to be honest, she was quite a heartless woman. She and I bonded over hating our parents (Well I just liked her because she seemed to understand me), and I didn't exactly like her, but she liked me, and one night, she guilt tripped me into... that. But I won't let that get into the way of being Pyotr's father. He seemed to inherited her brother's personality. Bubbly, kind, always wanted to be friends with you... And I guess that's a bit of Thor too. I pull him in tighter, and say "I would never have left you if I knew. Never. But now, I can be your father for the rest of your life. I'd say, that's around 2500 years." Pyotr looks up at me in shock. "What?" He asks. "Child, half of you is jotun, a little more is asgardian, and the lifespan for a jotun/asgardian is 5000 years. Part of you is human, of course, but that's what makes you a little smaller. I am actually only 17 in human years" Peter looks like he just went through a blender, so I hold him for a little longer, and eventually he softens in. 

Before you know it he is snoring. "Click!" I hear something and whip my head around to the door, where Natasha and James are standing with a phone. They both look at me evilly, as Natasha says "F.R.I.D.A.Y, save that to my blackmail file" before they both run away snickering, unfazed by my death glare. I look back at Pyotr, my boy, and smile softly. I gently lower him off me, and walk out of the room, glaring. Of course it was going to be hard to find the assassins, but when I find them, they are dead. "Brother, what are you doing?", Thor asks, with a mouthful of poptarts, as I cross my hands and bring them down to my side, daggers appearing in my hand. "These people aren't going to see the light of day tomorrow" I growl. Thor looks confused. "You're gonna destroy the sun? Why?" I facepalm. I hope Pyotr didn't inherit some of Thor's traits. Even though I am a Frost Giant, I lived with asgardians my whole life, and learnt Asgardian magic, meaning %30 of me is asgardian. I sigh. How am I gonna explain this to Thor?

┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻ Bob brings you this line break

I lie down on my bed in my room, feeling like I've just burst into a million pieces. I had to act calm for Pyotr, but inside I've lost control. I'm still learning to love Thor (as a brother) as much as I loved my mother, so how am I going to learn to love Pyotr? I just hope it will be easy. A knock on my door. "Loki, breakfast is ready!" something inside me clicks "Is that you, Natasha?" "Ye-NO, no it's not, it's Wanda" I roll my eyes. How dumb does she think I am? I have a single thought, a simple spell, that changes my clothes into a simple green t-shirt, medium length shorts and ties my hair into a 'man bun' as these mortals call it. My usual early morning wear when I'm not leaving the tower. I walk outside and of course Natasha is gone. I am the only one apart from James who knows her past, because I could easily look into it if I wanted, like I did to Valkyrie. But I don't try, because when she's alone, I can feel the sadness radiating off her. But it disappears whenever she's around us, mostly James or Pyotr. Obviously James and Natasha like each other, and they are together, but it kills me that no one else sees it and I really want to tell someone, but I worried they had something on me in their little blackmail folder, and last night my fears were confirmed, so I can't risk it. But I bet they told Pyotr, cause they all are like best friends. I drag myself into the kitchen, and Natasha isn't there. Of course she isn't. I sigh and conjure myself a coffee. Drinking it, Peter comes running through, ready for school. He;s about to make himself a coffee, but I make another one appear for him, in a disposable cardboard cup. He smiles "Thanks" I smile back, but him, Tony and I are the only ones in the kitchen, but Tony doesn't notice anything, just complains about how he doesn't get a coffee. I just laugh at him "Anthony, you are perfectly capable of making yourself a coffee" I wave at Peter, and he waves back, before hopping in the lift. 

I pick up my phone to go through my Twitter, sipping my coffee, as the other avengers slowly pile in, looking tired as heck. I see Natasha slip in through the doorway, and she knows I've seen her, but I just exhale. I'm tired of this shit.

Peter's POV

I get to school, having downed Loki's magic espresso (Which was really good, by the way), and chuck the empty cup into a bin. I head into the advanced calculus class, which is, of course, easy as heck, and I finish before everyone else. The rest of the day goes by, when I suddenly get a text during last period.

Magic snake dude
Hey Pyotr, want to go get
A coffee or something?
So we can catch up?

Sure, I finish school at 3:30

Magic snake dude
Ok cool, I'll pick you up

Uh, actually that's fine,
I can walk, there's a good
coffee place near the school

Magic snake dude
Ok, send me the address

xxx xxx xxxx
Cya there! ~(˘▾˘~)

Magic snake dude
I have no idea what half 
of that sentence said, but
I guess I'll see you there

I chuckle at my phone as the bell rings, and I hurry to my locker. Flash and his goons walk up to me. "YO, PE-" 
"Nope" I say, cutting him off. I grab my bag, and try to head out, but Flash grabs me. Ugh. "Did you just say 'nope' to me?" I'm about to make a sarcastic remark, but MJ steps out. "Flash, if you could stop kissing Peter, we'd like to go" Flash's face turns red as he realizes how close his face is to mine. I push his face away, and walk away with Ned and MJ. "Library this afternoon?" Ned asks. I shake my head "Sorry man, my wig has already been snatched this afternoon." Ned just nods. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I'm gonna chill with my dad, who, turns out, is alive" Ned and MJ gape at me in shock. "Wha-?" I kiss MJ on the cheek and do my super secret handhsake with Ned and then head out "Bye guys! See ya tomorrow!" They just nod, looking like I've dropped a bombshell on them. Which I have. I walk through the coffee place to see Loki- my dad? Sitting at a table. I walk over and drop my bag, sitting down and exhaling. "Hey Loki" I say. "Hey Pyotr" he says. "Wait so... Is that my legal name or..." I ask.
"Well, your legal name is Pyotr Lokison, but obviously when your mother died, maybe a month after I left her, after I discovered her true intentions, she was caught murdering her family. And she, committed suicide. Her name was Bella. She was truly...mad. I never knew why she hated me, until now. So we sent you off to May and Ben" I sip my coffee. So not only is my mother dead, she's psycho too. Loki speaks, trying to make me feel better "She wasn't always like that" he assures me "She used to be a sweet little girl, but the negligence of her parents turned her... insane" I don't smile, just give him a cold look. My 'parents' died ages ago. Loki curses under his breath. "I'm sorry... I need to get better at making other people feel better" I laugh with no humor. No kidding. "Look, Pyotr, I know that your guardians died ages ago, but even after them, you had somewhere to go. And even when your aunt and uncle died, we were here for you to come to. And look, I'm your biological father, so how can it get any worse, Pyotr. You're not a curse, you're a blessing... The best thing that has ever happened to me" I don't want to feel better, but I do. I smile. "Thanks... dad" Loki looks like I just gave him a present, and it makes me even more happy that he is happy. I finish my coffee, and the waitress walks over "All done?" She ask. "Yes" Loki says, and I go to get my card, but Loki pulls one out of his pocket first, and keeping his head down so the waitress can't see who he is, and gives her the card. We pay, and get outta here, walking to an alley so we can teleport. 

Back at the tower, I run into my room from Loki's and grab out my phone. I've GOT to call Shuri.

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