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Mind conversation - Loki

Mind conversation - Wanda

Mind conversation - Peter

Shuri's POV

Everyone's mouth drops open in shock. "I have?" Loki offers. "Perfect!" I say. "For the rest of you, who make it seem like you've never seen it before, Okoye will demonstrate with me" I love how blown away these kids are that they're meeting me. I consider showing them my T'Challa mood board, but I decide that's a little harsh on him. (And also if it got into the media, T'Challa would get unbelievably mad, which is almost impossible for him). By the end of my meme session, everyone is jumping up and down and having fun. I feel like a meme queen with my vine civilians. I decide to embarrass Peter even more. "Ah, you people have met my favorite colonizer? Peter, get your white ass up here!" Peter looks slightly annoyed, and his eyes flash green for a second. Huh. He walks up and says "Hi, Shuri. What hast thou done, to embarrass thee so much?" I giggle a little. "Peter, embarrassing you is my favorite hobby!" 

Loki snickers at Peter's red face, and I see an illusion form of Loki, and he walks in. "I have also been educated in vine, that makes me the better brother, cause Thor can't even work his phone" a few kids laugh, but the others (including Flash) frown, disagreeing. I, of course, honour my meme comrade as the cooler brother, even though he couldn't work a phone a while ago. But, to his credit, it took him a day to figure it out. "Anyways," Loki says "I believe our time is up, because King T'Challa has requested his sister, his suit got damaged in a "science" experiment with biggest asshole and the angry asshole." I laugh and nod. "Brother dear, why can't you take care of yourself" I mutter, and Okoye snickers. I wave my hand and say "Farewell fellow adolescents" I shout, and Peter, Okoye, Loki's clone and I walk out of the room.  

Loki's POV

Peter soon walks back into the room, and is immediately bombarded with questions. "How do you know princess Shuri?" "Is she your girlfriend?" Peter hesitantly tries to answer them "I work with her sometimes- NO, she's not my girlfriend, MJ is" it's starting to get out of hand, and when Flash starts walking towards Peter, I think it's time to get going. I close my eyes and concentrate, the little mini version of myself jumping around the network of heads, searching for Mr Harris's. When I finally find it, I push a thought into his head, that it's time to go home. Now that that's done, all I have to do now is protect Peter from Flash and the other kids long enough until the teacher gets here.

"Ok, that's enough, give him some space. If you want to ask questions, text him on Instagram." Wanda says, waving her arms at them. The kids back away, but that gives Flash space to close in. Seriously, this guy really doesn't understand what go away means. "What the FUCK, Penis! You messed EVERYTHING up!" MJ steps in front of Peter. "Umm, Eugene, I think you'll find that she was never interested in you in the first place" "Yes, Eugene, you really shouldn't just assume things" I chide him. Flash turns towards me and, before I can sense it, he punches me in the face. Of course, I don't start bleeding, and it didn't hurt, both of which would have if you were a normal human. I bring my head back and glare at Flash, as if I was staring into his soul. He looks dumbfounded, and I take the moment to punch him in the face, harder than he had hit me. He gets a bloody nose, and I warn him not to tell the school or I'll sue his parents. I push fear into his mind, and he nods quickly.

Peter grabs my arm and pulls me away "Do you realize what you've done?" He hisses. "You'll get suspended!" I roll my eyes, and say "Please! He's afraid of me" indeed, Eugene is looking very scared. "Whatever. You can't just keep acting out, you aren't a god in this form" I sigh. "I'm trying my hardest, Pete" At that moment, Mr Harris turns up, and we go to the ground floor, getting on the bus. The four of us sit close to each other, and everyone is silent. This whole field trip was an information leak, and I don't know what we're gonna do. Finally, we get off the bus, but Mr Harris pulls Wanda, Peter and I aside. He sighs, "My word isn't good enough for principle Morita. He wants to see you guys, to talk about who signed your permission notes, and he's already invited the people who 'signed' your note for you" I stifle a laugh, and fail, covering it with a cough. "Really?" I ask, cause I have definitely not gotten any invitations anywhere, and he nods suspiciously. "Yeah, why?" "Oh, nothing" I say, and manipulate his mind to believe it. "Ok," He says, convinced "He'll see you in period 4 tomorrow" 

"Ughhhhh, Peter, I told you this was a bad idea" I scold him, and he looks down at the ground. "I'm sorry, did you have a better idea?" He says, sounding a little hurt, but with a sarcastic edge to his voice. I open my mouth to reply, but Wanda glares at me. We finally get to the tower, and Alyssa turns out to be taking a double shift."Crazy day, huh?" She asks. "Yeah," Wanda says "But it was a huge security leak" Alyssa frowns. "Well, it was Thor's fault, not mine" I protest. We head upstairs, after I realter mine and Wanda's forms, and she heads out to tell Clint about the meeting he has to attend, cause he never checks his emails. I, on the other hand, already know about the meeting, so I go to sit down on the couch with Peter. This HAS been a long day.

We start watching a movie on Netflix, and Peter cuddles up to me. I'm slightly uncomfortable, because I've never been given/shown this much affection since I was small, but I settle in, holding Peter close. A single tear slides down my face. If I had known I have a son earlier, I would've got to see the first 17 years of his life. "Are you ok, dad?" Peter murmurs tiredly. I smile, and fondly run my hands through his hair. "I'm fine, Pete" I whisper, and he lays his head back down on my stomach. I drift off to sleep, holding Peter close to my heart. I won't leave him ever again.

ARGRGRGRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok, so for the past 2 days we had a black out, and my laptop went flat almost straight away, so I couldn't write :( But I will try to update as often as possible. Stay safe, and thanks for 600+ reads!

- My brother pushed me, so I'm starting a kickstarter to put him down

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