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Blood coats my hands and clothes as I stalk my way through the house. Blood covers the walls and furniture. It's like a scene out of a horror movie. A horror movie I don't care to see. Blood drips from the stainless steel knife onto the hardwood floors.

"Put the knife down, Delilah, we can make this right," my attacker pleads as he holds a gun at me and my sweet baby girl. "You don't want to do this, I promise you!"

I reach the top of the stairs as he slowly backs away from me. Fear laces his eyes and embeds itself in his body. I smell fear. I thrive on fear. It turns me on.

I'm a twelve year old girl with the mind of a twenty year old. I've grown and become sinister. I'm one scary bitch might I add.

He pushes down on the trigger sending a bullet through the gun and into my shoulder. He goes to fire again but the gun jams. I've been through much more pain than this bullet has caused. He slowly walks backwards before tossing the gun to the side.

"Nina deserves a better mother than you," he taunts as he runs his finger down her chubby leg. "Much better parent."

"Put her down," I mutter.

"Or what? You'll stab me to death?" He taunts again.

"Put her down and we will settle this once and for all," I respond.

He sets Nina beside the small table. He looks at me and faintly smiles before approaching me. I slightly relax as he pulls me into his arms. His hands glide across my body and stop on my ass. He squeezes tightly before picking me up. He leans me up against the wall and begins kissing my neck.

His rough lips send tingles down my spine but I must not get distracted. I'm on a mission and I'm going to complete it. He moves us away from the wall and gently takes us down to the floor. He rips my clothes off of me as I cut his off. His dick stands rock hard but is quite small.

"You know what to do baby girl. Go on and do it," he murmurs.

I climb onto his dick like I would any other night. He grabs my waist and pulls me down hard. His moans begin to fill up the house. I hold back any type of moan as I watch his face morph into pure pleasure.

His eyes close and I lift the knife up and slash his throat sending blood everywhere. I begin riding him properly as his dick remains hard. I get my fill and my pleasure before stopping. I climb off of him and slice his dick off. I flip him over and shove it right up his ass.

I look over at sweet baby Nina as she just stares at me. Blood trickles down her face but she stays calm. I make my way over and pick her up. We make our way out of the murder house and down the street as sirens wail in the distance.

A police car comes into view. I walk into the middle of the road making them come to a screeching halt. The cops get out of their car with their guns pointed directly at me.

"Set the baby down and get on your knees! I repeat, set the baby down and get on your knees!"

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