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Why, who me, why?
Feet don't fail me now
Take me to your finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping that the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine
Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design?
I feel so alone on a Friday night
Can you make it feel like home if I tell you you're mine?
It's like I told you, honey


The triplets sit in front of me as I stand above them. My precious babies. I sound like Gollum.

"You know you can go home right?" Dimitri asks.

"I know," I mutter.

I was released a few hours ago but I didn't want to leave them here by themselves. Winnie has gotten the room completely ready but they won't be coming home anytime soon so I will be moving back and forth between here and the house.

"What did you and Gabrielle talk about?" Dimitri asks.

"Babies and food," I reply.

"Oh," he murmurs. "So you two get along?"

"Something like that."

Mine and Dimitri's sweaty bodies lay panting on the king sized bed. The sex is great. It's even better when you're not supposed to be having sex yet. I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and climb in. The warm water hits my skin with a sizzle.

"Hey, babe, I'm going to go hang out with Nik and talk about some things! I will be back before dinner!" Dimitri yells.

"Okay," I reply.

I wash my my body and hair thoroughly before getting out. I dry off and dry my hair as I exit the bathroom. I make my way into the closet and put on some shorts and a tank top. I leave the room when a loud alarm begins going off.

I make my way downstairs to see nobody around. All of the doors are locked and I'm stranded. I begin to make my way back upstairs when loud footsteps and yelling ensue. I turn around and see cops and the swat team running toward me.

I stand frozen as everything around me becomes slow. Before I realize it, I'm handcuffed and dragged out of the house as I'm read my Miranda rights. I'm shoved into the back of the police car. I look up and see Winnie on her phone as she watches of drive away.

"Mrs. Volkov, hows it feel to be a fugitive?!" One of the officers yells.

"I'm not a fugitive," I mutter.

We pull into the police station and they take me in. They make me change, take my mugshot, and shove me in an interrogation room. My only arm is handcuffed to the leg of the table leaving me helpless.

"Well, well, well look what we have here," a cop taunts me as he comes in and sits. "I bet Dimitri is going to shit bricks."

"What am I being charged with?" I ask.

"The murder of Valentina Lombardi, also known ask Geolini Lombardi's dead wife, but if you put your husband then this will all go away since he is killing half our men every other week," the officer replies.

"I know nothing and I could careless about your tactics to bring him down. I'm not scared of jail or prison," I respond.

"Oh you will be, darling. See when I put women like you in jail you never leave the way you came in. Dimitri can always have another you whether your in here or dead and gone," he states.

"What proof do you have that I "killed" this woman?" I ask.

He motions for someone and they walk in with a big file. The other guy hands the one in front of me the file before leaving. The officer opens the file and turns it around so I can read it.

"You are Delilah Wexler, right? You are a known psychopath, yes? We have everything you've ever done documented here," he begins. "Your body was supposed to be shipped back here but your body went missing down in Florida. Faking your death, smart, I'll give you that but coming back here and getting involved with a Russian is what got you caught and your dark colored hair."

"I'm half Russian," I reply. "I want a lawyer."

"You don't get a lawyer, Delilah! You get me and that's it!" He yells.

"I want my lawyer!" I yell.

The officer reaches over the table and slaps me across the face making my head snap to the side. I feel my body shift as I give him my most evil, psychotic look. He sits this calm and collected as if he did nothing wrong.

"Police brutality?" I taunt. "Is that the best you got?"

I quickly flip the table over and let the handcuff slide off the leg. I hit the officer in the eye with the cuff before propping the table up underneath the door handle of the room. The officer looks at me with a crazy look in his eyes but I ignore it as I charge him.

He swings at me and misses but I swing and land punches with a few kicks. He lays on the ground almost lifeless as I step away from his body. I pull the table down and slide the handcuff on the chair leg before sitting down. The door sings open and officers rush in with their guns loaded and pointed at me. I put my only hand up and smile.

"I want to speak with my lawyer, please," I murmur sweetly.

"Take her to a cell and don't let her out!" One of the officers yells.

I'm jostled around before I get dragged out of the room and down to a cell. They throw me inside and lock the door. I shove my arm through the hole in the door and they uncuff my only hand. I yank my arm back inside and make my way over to the bed. I lay down and stare up at the ceiling.

"You have royally fucked up, Delilah! You will get what you deserve!"

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