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One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all


Dimitri sits beside his lawyer as we wait for his verdict. He's been locked up for four months now and I'm officially eight months pregnant. I'm have a boy and a girl. I'm naming them Phoenix and Victoria.

"Will the defendant rise?" The judge blurts out. Dimitri stands up. "I found the defendant guilty of domestic violence. I sentence you to two years in prison. Case dismissed."

Dimitri gets dragged out of the court room. I rub my belly as I quietly leave the room. Can I really raise my kids without him?

I make my home to relax. Queenie wanted to watch the kids while I was out so I let her. She's a nice woman and cares. I trust her.

I make my way to the bedroom to see Bryan laying down on rose petals on the bed. He does this quite often. He just randomly shows up to my house and in my bed.

"What the hell Delilah? I at least thought you would find someone as good looking as me!" Dimitri's voice comes from behind me.

I quickly turn around to see him standing behind me. How the fuck did he get out? Where the fuck did he come from?!

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was not going to jail. It was all a set up. I see you move on pretty quickly, yeah?" He responds. "Get out!"

Bryan grabs his clothes and scurries past us. Dimitri walks me back into the room and closes the door. His eyes darken.

"Get naked and on that bed, now!"

Dimitri sits across from me under the candle light dinner. I quietly eat my garlic bread as he drinks his whiskey. His eyes never leave my face.

"Was he the only one?" Dimitri asks.

"Yes," I reply. "Was that woman the only one?"

"Yes," he replies. "No more cheating. No more physical fights. We are going to go to therapy and fix this."

"What's there to fix? Your anger issues? Your constant infidelity?" I ask.

"Our issues. Everything," he replies.

"What'd you do to get out of jail?" I ask.

"It was all fake. I paid them off," he replies before shrugging. "Did you know that you were fucking your step father?"

"What?!" I yell catching the attention of everyone around us.

"You were fucking Queens Johnson's husband, Bryan Johnson. Viktor fucked Queens and got her pregnant then you came out. You fucked your stepdad."

Viktor sits in front of me and across from Dimitri. He looks extra pale and tired. I don't care tho.

"How did you meet my egg donor?" I ask.

"It was 1998 and I was with Dominic at this bar and she randomly popped up so I bought her a few drinks. Then dirty stuff happened after that and it kept happening she 'caught' feelings for me. We found out she was pregnant with you and then I found out her true motive," he begins. "She wanted to trap me because I had money and I had all the connections she needed in this world."

"Connections?" I ask.

"Money, famous people, a secured foundation," he replies.

"When was the last time you say her?" I ask.

"A few months before you were put into the system. She told me you had died at birth but I knew she was lying," he responds. "I took me years to find you and when I was about to snag you out of the system you went to jail."

"Come with me," I murmur before standing up.

We make our way down to Queens and stand in front of the door. I knock as we wait patiently for someone to open the door. This could be a bad idea but I don't care at this point.

The door opens up revealing Queens. Her eyes widen then narrow. She glances at me before settling on Viktor.

"Are you in some kind of trouble, Alex?" She asks.

"No, this is my father," I reply. "You had sex with my father twenty two years ago and had me. Then you gave me away and told him I died. You gave me away because you couldn't handle the psychopath of a little girl you created."

Her mouth drops open as she looks at me. She takes a step and tries to rush inside the house but I barge in with Viktor slowly following behind me. She tries to run but quickly falls to the ground. I stand over her as fear fills her body.

"Where did you think I was in this world? Did you think I'd ever find you?" I ask.

"I thought you were somewhere happy living your life in college. I figured you would find me when you felt the need too," she replies.

"Does your husband know about me? Or your kids?" I ask.

"No," she replies. "I was pregnant when I left you at the CPS facility. I couldn't handle you after you killed the dog. I didn't want to raise a psycho."

"Wait, who'd you sleep with before you left?" I ask.

"Your father. It was like a last hooray type thing, so Frankie is really Viktor's not Bryan's," she responds.

I look at Viktor as his eyes widen. Sadness flashes through his eyes before he masks it with slight anger. I have a full blood sister. One. Full blooded. Sister.

"You kept her but not me?" I ask. "Was she not psycho?"

"She didn't show signs of it but it's there. I've gotten her out of trouble plenty of times to know it's there. Hers just didn't show up until she was around fourteen," she states.

"Wow," I murmur.

"You're known as a White Rabbit, Delilah," she comments.

"What's a White Rabbit?" I ask as I look Between Viktor and Queens.

They stay silent. I move to where I can see both of them. They glance at each other then at me.

"Delilah, a White Rabbit is a crazy woman that's married to a powerful man. They don't listen and tend to not bow down to other powerful people. They take risks when they are necessary. You can be considered small or too big in our world."

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