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Papa I know you're going to be upset
'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby

*unedited* 2 years later

We've been back in New York for a little over two years now. Nik has defeated the American Mafia and it was safe for us. I'm currently pregnant with my second set of twins, Scarlet and Sienna. The triplets are two and the first set of twins, Phoenix and Victoria, are one.

Everything has been almost perfect. No cheating or drama of the sort and everything in the mafia world is calm which is nice but according to Dimitri it isn't good. Dimitri has changed a lot in two years. He's more attached and emotionally strong when it comes to the kids including Nina, who is twelve now.

"Tell me why we have to drag all of the kids over to the Lombardi's for dinner," I murmur to Dimitri as we stroll across the street.

He's holding Phoenix and Victoria as the triplets walk in front of us. Nina quietly walks beside us. We have Nina in counseling in case she has psychopathic tendencies.

Bryan left Queens for some younger model and GUESS WHO TOOK HER BACK. My idiot of a father so now he has her and all six of her kids. Well, one is his but that's beside the point. He comes and goes from Russia so Queens and her demons mostly have Ivanov mansion to themselves.

"Come in!" Gabrielle yells after Dimitri knocks on the door.

We walk in and go straight to the dining room. Gabrielle has had Cason and he is about twoish and she is currently pregnant with twins but will be getting her tubes tied after these two. Vinnie was not happy about that either.

"Kasey, will you take the babies up to the play room?" Gabrielle asks Kasey from across the room. "They will have a separate dinner with the nannies close by."

Dimitri and I sit as Kasey ushers the babies out of the dining room. All that remains is Vinnie, Gabriella, Nina, Colby, Dimitri, and me. Drummer is quickly set out by the maids.

"Do you know why we invited you all over?" Vinnie asks.

"No, why did you?" I ask.

"These two have some news for us," Gabrielle replies.

"Do we have to do this here, mom?" Colby asks.

"You made you goddamn bed and you're going to lay in it," she semi yells at him.

"What's going on, Nina?" I ask as I look at her.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs.

"Why? What did you do?" I ask.

"I'm pregnant," she whispers.

My eyes widen as my jaw drops to the floor. Dimitri squeezes my thigh but I ignore it. This is crazy! Why would a twelve year old and an eleven year old have fucking sex?! What do they even know about sex?

"W-w-what? H-h-how?" I barely get out. Colby and Nina just stare at me as if they are embarrassed. "I wanna know now."

"It was one time and we didn't know what we were doing and it just happened," Colby blurts out.

"I've never been so disappointed in my life," I reply.

"You were pregnant at my age," Nina replies.

"That was not by choice!" I reply.

"Calm down," Dimitri murmurs.

"What do you two want to do? You have three options," I state.

"I want to keep it," Nina replies.

"Okay, then we are going to set ground rules."

We have come to the conclusion that the both of them, Colby and Nina, will get twenty dollars every week. If they can budget and take care of their money properly then they will get a raise but if they fail they drop five dollars. It will definitely change when the baby comes. We will bump the allowance but if they don't support their baby and take care of their needs first then it will drop. After the baby is born, Colby and Nina can not and will not be in the same room together alone. They always have to have people around them. Also, Nina will go on birth control after the baby is born. It's a like a safety net.

"Are you two going to be okay with being homeschooled?" Vinnie asks.

"I will be," Nina replies.

"I want to go to school! Actual school!" Colby yells.

"If you go to school and she does homeschool then you get the baby in the evening since she has it all morning and part of the afternoon," Vinnie replies.

"Fine," Colby mutters.

"Do you even want this baby, Colby?" I ask making him look at me.

"No," Colby replies. "I'm still a child. I too young for this."

"You obviously weren't thinking that when you were having sex," I snap back.

"I'm done with this conversation. I want nothing to do with the child. I don't even want Nina. She was just a void filler," Colby insults Nina making her quietly whimper.

I stand up and look at Gabrielle and Vinnie. I take a deep breath. This breaks my heart. He could've been honest from the beginning and we wouldn't have had to have this long drawn out conversation.

"If he doesn't want anything to do with the child then you guys are off the hook as well. The baby won't get your last name if you don't want it to. The decision is ultimately yours," I state. "Let's go get the babies and leave."

We go get the kids and make our way back home. The kids and Nina go to bed as Dimitri and I lay in the bed. Dimitri's arm is draped over my belly and his head is buried in my now red hair.

I keep my hair dyed red so that I'm not as recognizable. I still use my prosthesis but go by my birth name. I only leave the house when I absolutely have to.

"I don't think she can do it," I murmur.

"If she can't we can always take the baby even if you are about to have more," Dimitri replies.

"It's not fair on her to have to raise a baby at twelve," I go on.

"I know, baby," he replies.

"I'm going to be a grandma at twenty four."

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